applicants in the art of piloting in the Chesapeake bay and the rivers
thereof and will admit them as I find them qualified, or reject them if I
shall find them unqualified, without favor, affection or reward.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 12. 1912, sec. 12. 1904, sec. 12. 1888, sec. 12. 1853, ch. 214, sec. 4.
12. It shall not be lawful for any person to act as pilot, notwithstand-
ing his having obtained a warrant as aforesaid, unless he or the company
to which he belongs shall keep one sufficient boat of at least twenty-six feet
keel, straight rabit and decked and well found, under the penalty of one
hundred and fifty dollars for every vessel such person shall undertake to
conduct or pilot.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 13. 1912, sec. 13. 1904, sec. 13. 1888. sec. 13. 1853, ch. 214, sec. 4.
13. No pilot shall make any demand to pilot any vessel unless he shall
have a branch or license to the destined port of said vessel and the name
of every boat and the place she belongs to shall be put on her stern and
on her mainsail and foresail in large letters.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 14. 1912, sec. 14. 1904, sec. 14. 1888, sec. 14. 1853, ch. 214, sec. 5.
1939, ch. 755, sec. 14.
14. If any person not having a license as a pilot shall take upon him-
self to conduct or pilot any vessel bound from any port in this State to sea
or through the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, or coming from sea or
through the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal and bound to any river of
this State and to any port thereof, or bound from sea or any port outside
this State to any other destination outside this State by way of the Chesa-
peake Bay and the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, he shall forfeit one
hundred and fifty dollars and shall also be liable for all damages occasioned
by his undertaking to conduct or pilot any such vessel; but this prohibition
shall not prevent any person from assisting any vessel in distress, if such
person shall deliver up such vessel to any pilot who shall come on board
and offer to conduct or pilot such vessel; and the pilot shall pay such per-
son one-half of the fees received by him for the pilotage of such vessel.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 15. 1912, sec. 15. 1904, sec. 15. 1888, sec. 15. 1853, ch. 214, sec. 6.
15. The board of examiners may make such rules and orders for the
government and regulations of pilots licensed by them as they may think
proper, not contrary to the provisions of this article; and they may, by
their order, deprive any pilot of his license or suspend him for a limited
time for breaking such rules or orders or omitting anything required by
the same or for acting in any manner contrary thereto. And if any pilot
so suspended or deprived shall during the time of such suspension or
deprivation take upon himself to conduct or pilot any vessel, he shall for-
feit and pay one hundred and fifty dollars for each offense.
An. Code, 1924, sec. 16. 1912, sec. 16. 1904, sec. 16. 1888, sec. 16. 1866, ch. 25.
1896, ch. 40. 1939, ch. 755, sec. 16.
16. All masters of foreign vessels and vessels from a foreign port and
all vessels sailing under register bound to and from Baltimore City, or
passing in or out of the Chesapeake Bay by way of the Chesapeake &
Delaware Canal, except vessels employed in and licensed for the coasting
trade and American vessels laden either in whole or in part with coke