137. Penalty for failure to register.
103. Investigation of.
104. Proceedings to abate.
138. Petition for removal of person wrong-
fully registered. Proceedings there-
105. What orders court may pass.
106. Penalty for refusing to obey such or-
139. Who to be regarded as practitioner
of medicine.
ders; procedure.
107-115. Cess pools, privies, etc. — cholera,
typhoid, etc., procedure for abate-
ment of; suit; judgment; lien; pen-
140. Duty of police commissioners and
sheriff as to registration.
141. Duty of secretary of either or. both
boards of medical examiners as to
violations of this sub-title.
142. Authority of board of medical ex-
Practitioners of Medicine.
aminers as to collection and dis-
116. Must possess qualifications required
by this article.
bursement of funds.
143. Penalty for practising under another
117. Two boards of medical examiners,
allopathic and homeopathic. Num-
144. License may be revoked by vote of
ber of members, qualifications and
five; appeal.
term of office, etc. Who shall not
State Veterinary Medical Board.
serve. Vacancies.
118. Duties of secretary-treasurer.
145. Appointment, qualifications and pow-
119. Meetings of such board for examin-
ers of such board.
ing applicants for license, etc.
146. Requirements of persons practicing
120. Schedule of examinations.
veterinary medicine or surgery.
121. Physicians, how licensed; who ex-
147. Meetings of said board.
empt; qualifications; medical stu-
148. Such board to examine diplomas and
dents; certificates from other states;
hold examinations.
graduates of foreign colleges.
149. Examination of applicants.
122. Physician changing residence to Dis-
150. Revocation of certificates.
trict of Columbia entitled to license.
151. Who to be regarded as practicing vet-
123. Conduct of examinations.
erinary surgery.
124. Examination fee.
152. Register of practitioners must be kept
125. Refusal of license for deficiency in
and published once a year.
153. Such register to be completed within
126. Form of license.
six months from April 6, 1894.
127. Licenses to be filed. Record open for
154. Said board may reject applicants.
inspection. Registration fee.
155. Practicing without diplomas unlaw-
128. Penalty for, violating the provisions
of this sub-title.
156. No money paid out of State treasury
129. Boards of medical examiners to make
for purposes of this sub-title.
157. Penalty for failure to register.
130. Certificate to physician moving out
158. Board to prosecute offenders.
of State.
159. Disposition of fines under this sub-
131. All practising physicians or surgeons
must be registered.
160. Who regarded as practicing veterinary
132. Qualifications of registered physicians
medicine and surgery.
or surgeons.
161. Special provision for Montgomery
133. License must be filed in circuit court
before persons commencing practice
subsequent to June 1, 1892, may
Adulteration of Food and Drink.
be registered.
162-175. Soft drinks and non-alcoholic bev-
134. Applications of physicians and sur-
erages; license for manufacture; re-
geons from other States.
quirements; sanitary conditions; in-
135. Who to be regarded as duly registered
gredients ; penalties.
physicians and surgeons. Registra-
176. Penalty for selling diseased or decayed
tion fee.
poultry, meats, fruits, or vegetables.
136. Penalty for obtaining registration un-
177. Duty of State board of health in car-
der false statement.
rying out provisions of this sub-title.