ever upon which such license shall have been granted to him or them, or
has or have permitted disorderly, immoral or illegal conduct or practices
to take place at, in or upon the place or premises licensed, forthwith to
revoke, forfeit, annul and suppress such license; and if in the course of
such proceedings it shall appear to the court that there has been a viola-
tion of the law appertaining to the sale or disposition of spirituous, fer-
mented or intoxicating liquors in Baltimore County or of any provision
of the law relating to the licensing of the sale or disposition of such liquors,
the court shall refer the matter of such violation to the State's Attorney
of Baltimore County for the due prosecution thereof.
1916, ch. 31, sec. 9D. B. Co. C. (1916), sec. 344. 1928, sec. 423.
423. From and after one year of the date of the passage of this Act,
no brewer, brewing company, distiller, rectifier or compounder or bottler
of or wholesale dealer in malted, brewed, fermented, spirituous or intoxi-
cating liquors of any kind shall purchase or, by furnishing either by gift
or loan or otherwise the money necessary in whole or in part, procure or
have any proprietary or pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any
license applied for or issued hereunder for the sale or disposition of any
such liquors aforesaid at retail or in any business conducted under or by
virtue of any such license; and any violation of this section shall be a
misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by imprisonment in jail for not
less than six months and by such fine in addition to such imprisonment
as the court in its discretion may deem it proper to impose.
1916, ch. 31, sec. 9E. B. Co. C. (1916), sec. 345. 1928, sec. 424.
424. No brewer, brewing company, distiller, rectifier or compouiider
or bottler of malted, brewed, fermented, spirituous or intoxicating liquors
of any kind shall sell, give or otherwise dispose of any such liquors to any
person, persons, firm, association or corporation in Baltimore County,
except and unless the license therefor has been obtained; and any viola-
tion of this section shall be a misdemeanor punishable in the same manner
as is prescribed by the preceding section for any violation of the provisions
1916, ch. 31, sec. 9F. B. Co. C. (1916), sec. 346. 1928, sec. 425.
425. Any person or any officer or member of any corporation, asso-
ciation or club owning, leasing, renting or occupying any park, ground
or shore in Baltimore County who shall lease, rent or hire out the same
for a picnic, crab feast, shad bake, barbecue, oyster roast or feast, or other
entertainment or assemblage, to be held on the Sabbath or Lord's Day,
commonly called Sunday, and at which any spirituous, fermented or in-
toxicating liquor of any kind, or lager beer or near-beer, are drunk or are
to be drunk on said Sabbath Day; or any person or any officer or mem-
ber of any corporation, association or club who shall give, hold, conduct
or take part in any picnic, crab feast, shad bake, barbecue, oyster roast
or feast or other entertainment or assemblage on the Lord's Day, com-