years and two shall hold office for the first three years, and thereafter the
term shall be three years; they shall qualify as other officials and shall
elect one of its members as Chairman of said Park Commission who shall
preside at all meetings, and one of its members as Secretary who shall
keep an accurate minute book of all their proceedings; they shall meet
at least once a month or as often as may be necessary and shall serve
without pay or compensation whatsoever.
1918, ch. 40, sec. 2.
419. The said Park Commission thus created is hereby authorized and
empowered in the name of the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown, to
acquire by gift, grant, purchase or by condemnation proceedings any piece,
parcel or tract of land in Hagerstown adjacent to the present City Park
or at any other place within the said corporate limits of Hagerstown for
park purposes without having to submit the purchase thereof to the quali-
fied voters of said city, for a sum of money not to exceed five thousand
dollars, and if by condemnation the proceedings shall be that provided
for in Article 33A, Chapter 463 of the Acts of the General Assembly,
passed at its January Session, 1914, but the said Mayor and Council
shall not be compelled to accept any award under said condemnation pro-
ceeding unless it does so by resolution passed at a regular session thereof.
And when said land is so acquired the title thereto shall become vested in
the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown in fee simple. And the said Mayor
and Council of Hagerstown is hereby authorized and empowered to levy
a sum of money upon the assessable property of Hagerstown sufficient to
pay for said land for park purposes, at the time of the making of the
annual levy for taxes by the said Mayor and Council and to be included
1918, ch. 40, sec. 3.
420. The said Park Commission is hereby authorized and empowered
to make such rules and regulation from time to time for the conduct, gov-
ernment and management of the Park or Parks of Hagerstown as it may
deem necessary, right and proper. And said Park Commission may em-
ploy workmen and policemen, whose duty shall be prescribed by the said
Commission, the expenses of said workmen or employes, said improve-
ments and maintenance of said Park or Parks to be paid by the Mayor
and Council of Hagerstown by and through the said Park Commission,
as provided by Section 423 of this Article. The said Park Commis-
sion shall prior to the first day of June in each and every year make
a detail report of all its receipts and expenditures and proceedings dur-
ing the year and also make at the same time a full and detailed state-
ment of the amount of money necessary to pay the expenses incurred by
said Commission in the care, maintenance and improvements of the said
Park or Parks during the coming year so that the same may be included
in the regular annual levy made by the Mayor and Council at the time
of the making of the annual levy of taxes by the said Mayor and Council
and to be included therein.