ity to the permanent record books used in the office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for St. Clary's County, of amounts received from levy,
sale of bonds or from any source whatsoever by the County Commis-
sioners and showing to whom and for what purpose the amounts raised
by said levy, sale or* bonds or receipts from other sources were disbursed.
They shall demand of said clerk at each and every meeting a balance
sheet, showing balance of cash on hand in each and every account kept
by him, also the sum total of and the totals of the amounts of each class
of county certificates issued by him for all purposes whatsoever. They
shall cause an entry showing compliance with this section, in so far as
it applies to the furnishing of a balance sheet, in the minutes of each
and every meeting of their board. They shall cause the county's books
to be audited annually immediately after making up the annual levy
by a certified public accountant and shall present said audit with their
annual report to the Grand Jury within the first three days of the Sep-
tember term of the Circuit Court. The costs of said audit to be paid by
the County Commissioners.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 27. 1876, ch. 239.
50. They shall report, annually, to the grand jury, within the first
three days of the September term of the circuit court, a full and complete
statement, in print or in writing, of the expenses of the county, as pro-
vided for at their last annual levy for the same, with each class of ex-
penses arranged under its proper heading, and each item of expense,
under the head of "miscellaneous," shall show for what the expense was
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 28. 1876, oh. 239.
51. The grand jury to whom the said report shall be made shall thor-
oughly examine and maturely consider the same, and present to the circuit
court, during its session, their opinion and views of the same, whether all
these expenses have been legally incurred and levied for, and whether
they can be lessened without impairing the well-being of the county, and
what reforms, legislative or otherwise, are needed to reduce the county
expenses and diminish taxation; and the court shall make such order in
the premises as they may deem proper.
1900, ch. 552.
52. All stationery and other supplies of whatsoever character or kind
purchased for the use of St. Mary's county, unless otherwise provided for
by law, shall be bought through and by order of the County Commissioners.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 29. 1878, ch. 239.
53. The presentment of the grand jury, under the preceding section,
together with the report of the county commissioners, and whatever order
the court may make in relation thereto, shall be filed, for safe keeping and
*"Of" evidently intended.