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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3487   View pdf image (33K)
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1927, ch. 448, sec. 6.

590. In the preparation and making of the plan, and in the acquisi-
tion and development of land or other property or other acts incident
to the carrying out of the plan, the Commission may act in conjunction
and co-operation with the National Capital Park and Planning Com-
mission created by Act of Congress, approved April 30, 1926, and the
Commission is hereby designated by the State of Maryland as the repre-
sentative of the State of Maryland for this purpose. The Commission
is further empowered to act in conjunction and co-operation with other
representatives or officials of the United States Government or of the
District of Columbia or of the State of Maryland, including the Wash-
ington Suburban Sanitary Commission, or of the State of Virginia or of
Montgomery and Prince George's Counties or of any municipality or other
local subdivision within said counties or within said states. All public
officials of the State of Maryland and of said Counties shall upon request
furnish to the Commission within a reasonable time, such available infor-
mation and data as it may require for its work. The maps, surveys, engi-
neering data and other records of the Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission are hereby made available for the use of the Commission,
and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission is hereby directed
to furnish, at cost, such engineering service and advice as may be re-
quested from time to time by the Commission. For the purpose of financ-
ing or assisting in the financing of the acquisition of land or other prop-
erty for parks, parkways, forests, streets, roads, boulevards or other public
ways, grounds or spaces within the District, or for the improvement or
development of the same, the Commission may receive and expend any
contributions, donations or appropriations which may be made for such
purposes or any of them by the United States or by the District of Co-
lumbia or by the State of Maryland or by any other political community
or by any private person; provided, however, the title of any such land
or property shall not be placed in or granted to the United States or in or
to any person, corporation or political community other than the District
itself without the approval of the General Assembly of Maryland, nor
shall the control, maintenance, operation or policing of any such park,
parkway, forest, street, road, boulevard or other public way, ground or
space within the District be placed in or surrendered to the United States
or to any other person, corporation or political community other than the
Commission itself without the approval of the General Assembly of Mary-
land. The Commission shall have the power to negotiate, enter into and
make agreements with the aforesaid National Capital Park and Planning
Commission or other federal agency or with representatives of the State
of Virginia or with other official corporations of Montgomery and Prince
George's Counties relating to the acquisition, development or improve-
ment of land and other property within the District for said purposes or
any of them, but shall not obligate itself or the District for expenditures
beyond the amount of funds in its possession or to be available to it from


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3487   View pdf image (33K)
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