And the Commissioners of said town shall have full power at their dis-
cretion to charge a reasonable sum for the use of said streets, lanes and
alleys, and to levy a tax on all poles, wires, pipes and other property con-
nected therewith, including poles, wires and phones already in the town
of Hurlock, and said Commissioners shall require of any person, company
or corporation who may be granted a permit or franchise for the use of
said streets, alleys or lanes, a bond which shall guarantee to the town of
Hurlock good service.
And the said Commissioners shall have the right to levy a tax not ex-
ceeding in any one year one hundred and ten cents, on the one hundred
dollars on the taxable property within said corporation limits, to be ap-
plied to carrying out the purposes of said corporation. They shall be en-
titled to appoint, as soon as may be convenient after each regular election,
a town bailiff, who shall hold till the next election unless sooner removed
by the Commissioners and if a vacancy occurs in the office of town bailiff,
they may fill the same.
And the said Commissioners shall be and they are hereby authorized
and empowered to borrow money on negotiable papers, provided that the
sum so borrowed shall not exceed the sum of six thousand ($6,000) dol-
lars; to forbid and prevent nuisances; to define and describe what shall
be a nuisance and to declare any existing thing within said town, or with-
in a radius of one mile of the corporate limits thereof, to be a nuisance
which prejudices, or is liable to prejudice, the health of the people thereof,
or of any considerable number of same, and to prescribe and appoint
means for removing any nuisance or nuisances and to enforce the use of
such means and to prescribe penalties for a refusal or failure to remove
any nuisance after the said Commissioners have ordered the removal
thereof; to restrain all disorder, disturbances, annoyances, disorderly con-
duct and drunkenness within the limits of said city; to prohibit gambling,
unseemly amusements, games, exhibitions and entertainments and to pre-
scribe penalties for violations of the ordinance or ordinances passed in the
matter of the premises; to establish and maintain a fire department; to
regulate the erection or repairing of buildings and to grant permits there-
for, specifying the material of which same shall be built and the purpose
for whch the same is to be used; to provide for taking down and removing
any building erected without a permit first having been obtained from the
Commissioners; to prevent and regulate the storage of gunpowder, oil or
other combustible matter in such quantities and in such places as they
may deem proper; to regulate and license all pawnbrokers, junk dealers,
fire and slaughter sales, auction sales, peddlers of nostrums, remedies,
medicines or notions; to regulate and license all ten-pin alleys, bowling
alleys, skating rinks, billiard or pool tables, theatres, moving-picture shows
and all other shows and exhibitions of every kind; to build and repair
sewers and to pass ordinances requiring owners of property abutting
streets in which there are sewers belonging to the town to tap said sewers
and to pay a reasonable charge for same; to provide and maintain a build-