1668 ARTICLE 6.
or the recreation, entertainment and amusement of its citizens, and may
convey and dispose of the same or any part thereof, and to receive property
gift, devise or deed, in trust for any municipal object. They shall have
power to pass ordinances and by-laws to prevent and remove nuisances and
obstructions from the streets, lanes and alleys, and from lots adjoining
streets, lanes and alleys and from any other place within the limits of said
town, and regulate and prohibit the excavation and opening of streets and
alleys and any work or anything being done therein or thereon; and to
maintain a jail or lock-up for the temporary detention, when necessary, of
persons who would be by law liable to detention in the county jail; to re-
strain drunkenness, all disorderly annoyances or disorderly conduct; sup-
press street walkers, bawdy houses and prevent gambling; prevent the fir-
ing of cannons, guns, pistols, fire-crackers, fireworks or other explosives
within the corporate limits; suppress fire, and prevent the danger thereof;
establish or aid and assist the maintenances of a fire department; make or
cause to be made and repaired, all necessary drains, sewers, culverts and
bridges; for controlling the erection and location of buildings, fences and
stock enclosures and to regulate the erection or repair of buildings and
grant permits therefor, specifying the material of which same shall be
built and purposes for which same is to be used; establish building lines
on any of the streets and alleys of said town, beyond which no structure
can be erected; prevent and regulate the storage of gunpowder, oil or other
conbustible matter in such quantities and in such places as they may deem
proper; regulate the speed of horses, vehicle, motorcycles, automobiles,
cars and locomotives in the town limits; regulate the maintenance of
proper safety appliances by railroads at street crossings and the stopping
of trains thereon; provide for the restraining or regulation of theatricals
or other public amusements within said town; regulate the construction
and maintenance of exits from places of amusement and all public build-
ings; regulate the use of sidewalks and all structures in, under or above
the same and may require the owner or occupant of premises to keep the
sidewalks in front of same and the gutters thereof free from snow and
other obtsructions, and prescribe hours for cleaning same; regulate or pre-
vent the throwing of sweepings, dust, ashes, offal, garbage, paper, hand-
bills, dirty liquids or any other offensive or objectionable material or sub-
stance into any street, alley or public place, or upon any vacant lot in said
town; regulate or prevent the use of streets, sidewalks and public places
for signs, signposts, awnings, boxes, posts, poles, horse troughs, steps, bay
windows, railings, entrances, the posting of handbills and advertisements
and display of goods, wares and merchandise; regulate the putting in of
sewers or drains on or under its streets or alleys, and the charges for en-
tering and maintaining the same; grant franchises to electric companies,
telegraph companies, telephone companies, street railway companies, water
companies, sewer and drain companies, and any other public or quasi-pub-
lic service corporation; and the ordinance or contract granting such fran-
chise shall specifically set out the nature, right and character of same, and
no power or right not expressed in the franchise or grant shall pass there-