1574 ARTICLE 6.
they shall, during the year 1920, extend the sewers and drains along and
under Fifth Avenue, Sixth Street and Seventh Street, from the present
termination of said system on the north side of Main Street, southward
to the limits of said town, as provided by its new municipal charter, passed
at the January Session of the General Assembly, 1914, and shall provide
for the adequate drainage of the same to the Choptank River, or to some
disposal plant to be by said Commissioners erected, and shall have all
powers necessary or appropriate for said purpose and for the accomplish-
ment of the objects thereof.
1906, ch. 332, sec. 2.
156. The Commissioners of Denton shall have full power and author-
ity to acquire by purchase, lease, gift, devise or by condemnation in the
manner prescribed in Sections 331 to 336, inclusive, of Article 23 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations," sub-title
"Condemnation of Property by Corporations," any lands or any interests
therein in said town of Denton or in Caroline County adjacent to said
town which may be needed for the disposal of said sewage or drainage
or for any pipes, sewers, buildings or other works or structures needed
for the construction and. operation of said sewers or disposal of said
sewage or drainage or for any pipes, sewers, buildings or other works or
structures needed for the construction and operation of said sewers or
disposal of said drainage.
1906, ch. 332, sec. 3.
157. The Commissioners of Denton shall have full power and author-
ity to construct any sewers and drains in or under the beds of any of the
streets, roads, alleys and lanes of said town, and in and under any lots or
parcels of land belonging to or which may be acquired by the Commis-
sioners of Denton, and to connect therewith at the expense of the Commis-
sioners 9f Denton, or to cause or require the owners or occupants thereof
to connect therewith at the expense of such owners or occupants any or
all of the sinks, wells, cesspools and receptacles of water or sewage in
said town along the line of said sewer. And said Commissioners of
Denton shall have full power and authority to provide by ordinance when
and how such connections shall be made, and the fines and penalties for
the failure, neglect or refusal of property owners or occupants of lands
and premises in said town to make or permit such connection, and for
injury to or interference with said sewers, drains, pipes and connections;
and said fines and penalties shall be collected as other penalties and fines
are now or may hereafter be collected.
1906, ch. 332, sec. 4.
158. Whenever said sewerage system shall be in proper working order
for receiving and disposing of the sewage and drainage of any premises
which shall be connected with it, the said Commissioners of Denton shall
have full power and authority to cause or require any well, sink, cesspool
or other receptacle of sewerage or drainage on said premises to be cleaned