any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers,
freight or property, except as authorized in this sub-title, than it charges,
demands, collects or receives from any other person or corporation for doing
a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of
traffic under the same or substantially similar circumstances and conditions.
No common carrier shall make or give any undue or unreasonable pref-
erence or advantage to any person or corporation, or to any locality, or to
any particular description of traffic in any respect whatsoever, or subject
any particular person or corporation, or locality, or any particular descrip-
tion of traffic to any prejudice or disadvantage in any respect "whatsoever.
No common carrier subject to the provisions of this sub-title shall after
the first day of November, one thousand nine hundred and ten, engage or
participate in the transportation of passengers, freight or property between
points within the State until its schedules of rates, fares and charges shall
have been filed and published in accordance with the provisions of this sub-
title. No common carrier shall charge, demand, collect or receive a greater
or less or different compensation for transportation of passengers, freight
or property, or for any service in connection therewith, than the rates, fares
and charges applicable to such transportation as specified in its schedules
filed and in effect at the time; nor shall any such common carrier refund or
remit' in any manner, or by any device, any portion of the rates, fares or
charges so specified, nor extend to any shipper or person any privileges or
facilities in the transportation of passengers or property except such as are
regularly and uniformly extended to all persons and corporations under like
circumstances. No common carrier subject to the provisions of this sub-title
shall, directly or indirectly, issue or give any free tickets, free pass or free
transportation for passengers or property between points within this State,
except to its officers, employees, agents, pensioners, surgeons, physicians,
attorneys-at-law and their families; to ministers of religion, inmates of
hospitals, charitable and eleemosynary institutions and persons exclusively
engaged in charitable and eleemosynary work; and to indigent, destitute
and homeless persons, and to such persons when transported by charitable
societies or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transporta-
tion ; to inmates of the national homes or State homes for disabled volunteer
soldiers and of soldiers' and sailors' homes, including those about to enter
and those returning home after discharge, and boards of managers of such
homes; to necessary caretakers in transit; to employees of sleeping-car
companies, express companies, telephone and telegraph companies doing
business along the line of the issuing carrier; to railway mail service em-
ployees, post-office inspectors, custom inspectors, and immigration inspec-
tors ; to newsboys on trains, baggage agents; persons injured in accidents
or wrecks, and physicians and nurses attending such persons; to the car-
riage, free or at reduced rates, of persons or property for the United States,
State or municipal governments, or of the property to or from fairs and
expositions for exhibit thereat; or the transportation, free, of any property
as is provided by law. Nothing in this sub-title shall be construed to pro-
hibit the interchange of free or reduced transportation between common
carriers of or for their officers, agents, employees, attorneys and surgeons