30-33. Superintendent to pass on school
sites, buildings, etc.; to certify
teachers; courses of study; addi-
tional facilities for instruction in
certain subjects.
34-38. General responsibility. Depart-
mental assistants; professional as-
sistants; biennial school census; an-
nual report of state board; other
Chapter 4. Board of Education.
39. Meetings; officers; expenses.
40. Body corporate; powers.
41. Transfer of property to; property con-
veyed to.
42. County superintendent of schools.
43-55. General duties; school districts;
school sites and buildings; schools
near county line; outhouses; con-
solidation; text books and supplies;
teachers; courses of study; schools
to be graded and standardized;
56. School budget; county school tax.
57-59. Audit and reports.
Chapter 5. District School Trustees.
60. Meetings; secretary; rights and as-
signment of teachers; pupils not
dismissed or schools closed save un-
der certain conditions; janitor.
61. Care of buildings and land; repairs.
62. Visitation of schools; discipline.
63. Outhouses, etc., to be kept clean.
64-69. Use of school buildings for other
than school purposes, conditions of.
70. New school-house district, when
Chapter 7. Schools.
71. How numbered.
72-73. Elementary schools; session;
74. Nature of alcoholic drinks and nar-
cotics to be taught.
75. By whom preceding section enforced.
76. When assistant employed; additional
77. When school closed.
78. Exhibition.
79. When schools must be open.
80. Person disturbing, while in session;
81. Terms; vacation; holidays.
82. Star Spangled Banner to be sung,
Chapter 8. Teachers' Certificates,
Salaries and Pensions.
83. Conditions of employment as super-
intendent, supervisor, principal or
teacher ; certificates.
84. Examination of teachers.
85. Certificates, various kinds; provision-
al certificate.
86. Suspension of teachers, supervisors,
etc.; revocation of certificate.
87. Superintendent to keep record of ap-
plicant to whom certificate issued.
88. Classes of teachers' certificates.
89-90. Salaries of teachers and principals;
levy to meet same.
91. Discrimination account sex prohibited.
92. Teachers' retired list.
Teachers' Retirement System.
93-96. Definitions; retirement association.
97-99. Retirement board; duties; mor-
tality tables and records.
100-101. Annuity fund, how constituted;
102-106. Provisions for retirement; pay-
ments of annuities; amount, etc.
107. Withdrawal from association; death.
108. Right to annuity non-taxable and
109-110. State treasurer to hold funds; re-
serve fund.
111-113. System to be examined by actu-
ary; books audited; amendment of
rules, etc.
Chapter 9. Pupils.
114. Who, and to what schools pupils ad-
115. Suspension and expulsion.
116. Children who may attend school in
adjoining district.
117. Each pupil to produce certificate of