966 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 654]
Pipe Creek Methodist Protestant Church in Wakefield Valley.
Carroll county, State of Maryland, a body corporate, made in
the second item of said will.
"29. To the gift and bequest of $1,000.00, and of five (5)
shares of the capital stock of the Centreville National Bank of
Maryland, to the Trustees of the Wye Neck Methodist Protest-
ant Church, in Queen Anne's county, Maryland, a body cor-
porate, made by James H. Dodd, late of Queen Anne's county,
deceased, in his last will and testament and first codicil thereto,
the said last will and testament bearing date August 21, 1909,
and the said first codicil bearing date December 21, 1911, the
said last will and codicil being now of record among the wills
records of Queen Anne's county aforesaid in Liber R. W. T.
No. 2, folio 44, according to the conditions and stipulations
fully set forth in said last will and testament and said first
codicil thereto.
"30. To certain deeds made to and for the use and benefit
of the Trustees of the Violetville Methodist Protestant Church
of Baltimore county, namely: (a.) Deed from Henry Schafer
et al., to the Trustees of the Violetville Methodist Protestant
Church of Baltimbre county, dated March 12, 1897, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber
L. M. B. No. 223, folio 107. (b) Deed from E. Percy Weedon
and wife to the Trustees of the Violetville Methodist Protestant
Church of Baltimore County, dated March 31, 1911, and
recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Liber W. P.
C. No. 377, folio 189, etc., with full, power to said Trustees of
the Violetville Methodist Protestant Church of Baltimore
County, to hold and dispose of the property acquired under
the deeds heretofore mentioned.
"31. To the two bequests of the sum of $100.00 each, made
by and contained in the last will and testament of Christopher
Hemmeter, late of the City of Baltimore, deceased, one to the
Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, located at the cor-
ner of Fremont avenue and Saratoga street, in the City of Bal
timore, and the other to the Evangelican Lutheran Association
of the Augsburg Home for Orphans and the Aged of Balti-
more City, located at 746 W. Lexington street, in said City
of Baltimore.
"32. To the gifts, bequests and devises contained in the last
will and testament of Susanna Holloway, deceased, late of Bal-
timore City, in the State of Maryland, (which will was pro-
bated on December 12, 1911, and is now of record in the office
of the Register of Wills of said city in Wills Liber H. W. J.