nille, Ga., William Edenborn, New Orleans, La., J. A. Edson,
Kansas City, Mo., T. M. Emerson, Wilmington, N. C., New-
man Erb, .New York, N. Y., Thorn well Fay, Houston, Tex.,
W. W. Finley, Washington, D. O., T. J. Freeman, New
Orleans, La., George J. Gould, New Tork, N. Y., E. BL R.
Green, Terrell, Tex., L. E. Johnson, Roanoke, Va., J. T.
Jones, Gulfport, Miss., E. T. Lamb, Norfolk, Va., F. J. Lesman,
New York, N. Y., Henry R. Mallory, New York, N. Y., G. H.
Markman, Chicago, 111., N. S. Meldwin, New York,,N. Y., H.
I. Miller, Bogulasa, La., H. W. Mudge, Chicago, 111., W. Hey-
ward Meyers, Philadelphia, Pa., A. B. Newell, Nashville,
Tenn., J. R. Parrott, St. Augustine, Fla., W. A. Patton, Phila-
delphia, Pa., F. L. Peck, Scranton, Pa., W. H. Pleasants, New
York, N. Y., Mark W. Potter, New York, N. Y., E. P. Ripley,
Chicago, 111., Alexander Robertson, Baltimore, Md., T. K.
Scott, Augusta, Ga., John Scullin, St. Louis, Mo., John R.
Sherwood, Baltimore, Md., M. H. Smith, Louisville, Ky., A.
B. Steele, Atlanta, Ga,, George W. Stevens, Richmond, Va.,
J. B. Thayer, Philadelphia, Pa., J. W. Thomas, Jr., Nash-
ville, Tenn., H. B. Walker, New York, N. Y., Wm. H. White,
Richmond, Va., Charles A. Wickersham, Atlanta, Ga., Daniel
Willard, Baltimore, Md., J. P. Williams, Atlanta, Ga., John
Skelton Williams, Richmond, Va., W. A. Winburn, Savannah,
Ga., B. L. Winchell, St. Louis, Mo., Levi Woodbury, Wash-
ington, D. C., and their successors shall be a body corporate by
the name of the Southern Settlement and Development organ-
ization, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and
shall be competent to sue and be sued, to make and to use a
common seal and alter the same at pleasure, and generally to do
everything or act not inconsistent with law and which may be
necessary or proper to promote the objects, designs, reasons and
purposes for which this organization is formed.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the purposes for
which this corporation is formed are,
1. To make a thorough and scientific study of the resources
and possibilities of the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,
Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Mis-
souri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Texas, Virginia and West Virginia, and the best practical meth-
ods of developing the same.
2. To divert public attention, both' in this and in other coun-
tries, to the resources and possibilities of said States, and more
especially to the immense area of unimproved land therein.