790 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 556]
salary of the Commander of the State Fishery Force, two thou-
sand dollars; for the salary of the Deputy Commander of the
police steamer "Governor McLane," fifteen hundred dollars.
For the salaries of the Chief Judges of the first seven judicial
circuits, five thousand eight hundred dollars each, forty thou-
sand six hundred dollars; for the salaries of the fourteen asso-
ciate judges of the first seven judicial circuits, three thousand
six hundred dollars each, fifty thousand four hundred dollars;
for the salaries of the judge of the Court of Appeals from Bal-
timore City, five thousand eight hundred dollars, and for the
chief judge and nine associate judges of the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City, four thousand five hundred dollars each,
fifty thousand eight hundred dollars; for the salary of the
Attorney General, three thousand dollars; for the commissions
to attorneys on claims of the State placed in their hands for
collection, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; for the salary of the crier of the Court of Appeals.
one thousand dollars.
For the system of free public schools (white and colored) in
the several counties and the City of Baltimore, and for the
State Normal Schools, the State Board of Education; Super-
intendent of Public Education; Assistant Superintendent of
Public Education; Clerk to State Board of Education; the
Maryland State Normal School, Baltimore; State Normal
School No. 2 at Frostburg; State Normal School No. 3, for
colored students; Retired Teacher's Pensions as provided by
Chapter 605 of the Acts of 1908; for the purchase of Free
Text- Books and for the aid of Approved High Schools, the sum
of one million four hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or what-
ever sum may be paid into the Treasury on account of the tax
for public schools; provided, however, that the appropriations
for all of the aforegoing purposes mentioned in this sub-title
"Schools" shall be paid out of the receipts from the public
school tax, and shall be apportioned by the Comptroller quar-
terly, viz: on the first day of October, the first day of January,
the fifteenth day of March and the fifteenth day of June, in
the proportion to which they are respectively entitled, and shall
be paid by the Treasurer, upon the warrant of the Comptroller,
quarterly, to wit: on the tenth day of October, the tenth day of
January, the twenty-fifth day of March and the twenty-fifth