as soon as, by requisite legislation of the State of Maryland
the control and management of all the real and personal prop-
erty of the said college should be placed in the hands of the
trustees elected by the said convention, and all other legisla-
tion should be obtained which, in the judgment of the said
convention of the said church might be necessary to carry
out the said object; and,
WHEREAS, On the 31st day of May, 1911, the Convention of
the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland
did, by resolution duly passed, declare that it would establish
upon the property in Washington county, Maryland, belong-
ing to the croporation of the College of St. James, a Diocesan
School for Boys when and as soon as by requisite legislation,
as aforesaid, the control and management of all the real and
personal property of said college should be placed in the
hands of trustees elected by the said convention, and all other
necessary legislation could be obtained to carry out the above-
named object; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That section 3 of Chapter 253 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, of the year 1843, entitled "An Act to
incorporate a literary institution in Washington county under
the name of the College of St. James, and section 1 of Chap-
ter 381 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, of
the year 1858, entitled "An Act supplementary to the Act of
December Session, 1843, Chapter 253, entitled An Act to incor-
porate a literary institution in Washington county, under the
name of the College of St. James, be and the same are hereby
repealed, and the following section be and the same is hereby
enacted in lieu thereof.
SEC. 2. That the entire management of the affairs and con-
cerns of the said corporation and College of St. James and all
the corporate powers granted thereto by Chapter 253 of the
Acts of 1843 aforesaid, and Chapter 381 of the Acts of 1858
aforesaid, shall be and are hereby vested in a board of 9 trus-
tees; 7 of whom shall be residents of the State of Maryland,
to be annually elected by the Convention of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church of the Diocese of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1912.