258 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 124]
twelve-point, generally known as pica type, one-eighth of an
inch high, or in depth, and it shall be the duty of the Board
of Supervisors of Elections for Baltimore City and of the Board
of Supervisors of Elections for each county, to cause all ballots
to be used by the voters of said city and of the several counties,
to be printed in manner as aforesaid. On the back and outside
of all ballots shall be printed the words "Official Ballot for,"
followed by the designation of the polling place for which it is
prepared, the date of the election and a fac simile of the signa-
ture of the President of the Board of Supervisors of Elections,
by whom the ballots have been prepared. Said ballots shall be
printed on the same leaf with a detachable stub or coupon one
inch high and three inches wide, above the upper right-hand
corner of the ballot and binding on the upper edge thereof, but
separated therefrom by a line running along the entire width
of said coupon; upon said coupon shall be printed the words
"Voters' Name," with a line drawn thereunder for writing
said name, and under the same line the words "Number of
Voter," followed by a blank space for the insertion of number.
Before distribution said ballots shall be so folded in marked
creases that no part of the marks or printing thereon, excepting
that upon the back and outside, and that upon the detachable
stub or coupon, shall be visible, and so that the folded ballot
shall be of uniform width and length and of proper width to be
deposited in the ballot boxes; all ballots when printed shall be
folded as above provided, and fastened together in convenient
numbers in packages, books or blocks, so that each ballot may
be detached and removed separately.
The aforegoing provisions of this section shall apply only to
Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Kent, Prince George's, St.
Mary's, Somerset, Talbot and Worcester counties, and the fol-
lowing provisions of the section shall apply only to Baltimore
City, Allegany, Baltimore, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Dorchester,
Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Queen
Anne's, Washington and Wicomico counties.
All said ballots in all elections in and throughout the State of
Maryland, including all the counties thereof and Baltimore
City, shall be printed in the same uniform type upon plain
white printing paper of ordinary book weight in black ink, and
the names of all candidates and their several party designations
shall be printed upon all ballots which may be used in any and
all elections in every county of the State and in the City of
Baltimore, in the following type, to wit, in clear, plain, bold and
legible roman capitals, twelve-point, generally known as pica
type, one-eighth of an inch high, or in depth, and the printing