150 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Ch. 83]
School Commissioners of Baltimore County, and the said treas-
urer shall deduct and retain out of the said monthly salary due
to such teacher one-tenth of the amount of such annual assess-
ment payable by him or her, and the aggregate sum of such
monthly assessments (excepting the months of August and Sep-
tember), shall be immediately paid by the said treasurer to the
said board of trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund of
Baltimore County.
Second—Sums received from the County Commissioners of
Baltimore County as follows: In case the board of trustees of
the Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County shall deem
it expedient to have an additional sum to defray its expenses, to
pay the salaries provided for herein, or to add to the Teachers'
Retirement Fund, the said board of trustees of the Teachers'
Retirement Fund of Baltimore County shall each year, in duo
time, prepare a full and detailed statement of the assets of said
Teachers' Retirement Fund, and the additional sum which is
required to defray said expenses, to pay said salaries, or to add
to the Teachers' Retirement Fund, and send the same to the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County; and the said
County Commissioners of Baltimore County are hereby author-
ized and empowered in its discretion to appropriate such sum
or any part thereof out of any funds in hand not otherwise
appropriated, or to levy for same or any part thereof upon the
taxable property of Baltimore County; and if at any time or
times said appropriation or levy is made and the money is in
hand, the same shall be paid over to the board of trustees of the
Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County and the unex-
pended balance remaining in the Teachers' Retirement Fund of
Baltimore County at the end of each fiscal year, shall be added
to the permanent fund in accordance with section 376M of this
Third—All money, property of any kind, or securities that
may come into the hands of said board of trustees of the
Teachers' Retirement Fund of Baltimore County for the pur-
pose of said Teachers' Retirement Fund by gift, grant, devise,
bequest, or otherwise.
376H. The Board of County School Commissioners of Bal-
timore County, or the board of district trustees of the respective
schools, or either of them or both as the case may be, may retire
from regular duty, upon its or their motion, and shall retire
from regular duty, upon his or her own motion, in either case,
the approval of the board of trustees of the Teachers' Retire-
ment Fund of Baltimore County to be first obtained, any
teacher who has been such for a period of thirty-five years at