Balance to the credit of the Oyster Fund as
per Comptroller's Report, September 30th,
$79,720 76
Receipts during the Fiscal Year 1892, to wit :
From Clerk of the Circuit Court for Talbot
County, Chapter 375 of 1888......................
$900 00
From Clerk of the Circuit Court for Dorches-
ter County, Chapter 375 of 1888.................
450 00
From Sunday parties, Chap. 296 of 1886, Sec. 3..
15 00
From Sale of Sloop "Carrie Franklin," Chap.
552 of 1890...............................................
107 50
From Dredging Licenses..............................
44,744 73
" Oyster Measurers................................
435 60
46,652 83
Total Receipts for the Fiscal Year 1892 and
balance from Fiscal Year 1891....................
$126,373 59
Disbursements during Fiscal Year 1892, to wit :
For Salaries................................................
$48,507 52
3,504 00
6,438 55
10,398 01
2,585 69
Incidental Expenses..............................
4,063 40
Expenses of Headquarters at Annapolis..
1,059 78
Ammunition and Arms..........................
525 75
Licenses Refunded................................
82 41
Building Schoorers...............................
2,500 00
79,665 11
Balance to the credit of the Oyster Fund Sept.
30th, 1892................................................
$ 46,708 48