Showing the Levy, Receipts and Disbursements on account of Public
School Tax as authorized by Chapter 377 of 1872, 481 and 533 of
1888, and the Balance to the credit of said account at the close of
the fiscal Year, September 30th, 1889.
Amount of
Levy of 1889.
Receipts dur-
ing Fiscal
Year 1889.
ments dur-
ing Fiscal
Year 1889.
Allegany County.........................
$ 16,734 81
$ 15,253 62
$ 18,356 37
Anne Arundel County. .................
10,438 35
6,074 02
21,386 54
Baltimore City............................
259,775 54
255,799 40
153,519 28
Baltimore County........................
40.498 96
47,398 36
41,558 16
Calvert County...........................
2,168 90
2,336 05
9,411 26
Caroline County..........................
4,523 32
4,582 56
9,243 60
Carroll County............................
16,780 07
16,241 55
14,995 64
Cecil County..............................
13,763 94
8,705 62
14,344 73
Charles County...........................
3,541 79
4,624 12
16,593 21
Dorchester County.......................
6,512 84
4,250 22
15,634 79
Frederick County........................
23,908 29
22,478 87
26,477 80
Garrett County...........................
4,285 46
3,503 43
4,649 06
Harford County......................:....
12,786 18
9,065 71
16,568 15
Howard County. ..........................
7,763 52
6,920 20
10,229 16
Kent County..............................
8,083 14
4,930 78
12,192 75
Montgomery County....................
9,347 67
7,854 46
16,850 19
Prince George's County................
9,219 34
7,348 05
20,769 63
Queen Anne's County...................
7,615 78
5,718 79
13,334 28
St. Mary's County.......................
2,988 34
2,106 05
13,973 89
Somerset County.........................
4,356 47
1,641 75
15,748 42
Talbot County............................
9,225 66
7,713 29
12,733 43
Washington County.....................
18,020 21
15,436 04
18,654 33
Wicomico County........................
4,289 27
5,374 21
11,342 10
Worcester County........................
4,640 43
5,557 16
13,367 01
Incorporated Institutions. .............
50,368 94
Tax on State and other Stocks. ......
24,673 53
State Normal School, white. ..........
10,500 00
State Normal School, colored.........
2,000 00
State Board of Education, expn's of
758 07
$501,268 28
$545,956 78
$535,191 85
Balance applicable to School Year, commencing Oct.
1st, 1888, as per Report September 30th, 1888......
$312,648 24
Receipts of Public School Tax from all sources during
the Fiscal Year 1889..........................................
545,956 78
$853,605 02
Carried forward ..........................................
$858,605 02