Brought Forward..........................................
$30,628 21
$78.697 44
'Howard County.....................................................
1,448 64
Kent County ........................................................
1,601 17
Montgomery County...............................................
2,594 46
Prince George County.........................................
1,676 59
Queen Anne's County.............................................
1,787 53
Saint Mary's County...............................................
1,208 17
Somerset County....................................................
1,473 34
Talbot Couutv.......................................................
1,976 04
Washington Coun ty...............................................
2,194 54
Wicomico County..................................................
1,610 27
Worcester County.................................................
1,543 83
The Indigent Blind.................................................
17,337 50
67,080 29
Balance to credit of the "Free School Fund," Sep-
tember 30th, 1888.............................................
$11.617 15
There was received daring the Fiscal Year 1888, to
the credit of this Fund, the sum of $8,239.14 from
the following sources :
State 6 per cent. Stock, (quarterly,) for interest accrued
1,515 36
Baltimore City 6 per cent. Stock ' '
120 00
Defence Redemption Loan "
2,317 76
Exchange Loan of 1886 " '
3,294 52
Maryland Hospital Loan ' '
301 50
Deaf and Dumb Asylum Loan '
570 00
Treasury Relief Loan ' '
120 00
Balance to the credit of this Fund Sept. 30th, 1888......
8.239 14
During the Fiscal Year 1888, the Stocks and Bonds of
the Maryland Hospital Loan and Deaf, and Dumb
Loan held by this Fund, were cancelled and destroy-
ed by a Committee of the Legislature, in accordance
with the provisions of Joint Resolution No. 6, of the
Session of 1888.
For Redemption of the Treasury Relief Loan :
There was received during the Fiscal Year 1888, to the
credit of this Fund, the sum of $12,793.85 from the
following sources :
State 6 per cent stock, (quarterly, ) for interest accrued
90 87
Converted 5 per cent. Stock, per Chap. 41, of 1847 — For
interest accrued .................................................
59 16
Defence Redemption Loan, for interest accrued............
474 50
Exchange Loan of 1886 " " " ............
9,466 32
Maryland Hospital Loan, " " " ............
1,863 00
Treasury Relief Loan, " " " ............
840 00
12,793 85
During the Fiscal Year 1888, the Treasury Officers pur-
chased for this Fund $8,900.00 Baltimore City 4 per
cent. Stock, the cost of the same being...................
$9,434 00
Balance to the credit of said Fund Sept. 30th, 1888.......
$3,359 85