TABLE No. 8.
Gross Receipts of the Warehouses for the Fiscal Year ended Sep-
tember 30th, 1887, were $34,186 05, as follows:
Receipts of Warehouse No.1.....................................
$16,659 16
" 2........................................
15,925 25
" 3........................................
26,084 25
" 4........................................
13,757 15
" 5........................................
11,760 24
$84,186 05
Disbursements during the Fiscal Year ended September 30th,
18ST, were $76,134 41, as follows:
For Wages paid Screwmen at No. i ....................... $9,731 00
" Laborers " 1. ...................... 1,39650
" Salaries- Clerks " " 1...................... 3,488 49
" Incidental Expenses " " 1 ...................... 674 39
' Nails ' " 1. ...................... 714 00
' Hoops ' " 1. ............. 96 25
" Lumber " 1................... 72 77
Drayage i....................... 22420
1 Empty Cases " i....................... 1000
$16,507 60
Wages paid Screwmen at No. 2....................... $6,89650
" " Laborers " 2....................... 3,96250
Salaries " Clerks " " 2....................... 3,06877
Incidental Expenses " 2....................... 92720
' Hoops " " 2....................... 8650
Nails " " 2....................... 53050
Drayage " 2....................... 32033
' Lumber " " 2....................... .13290
$15,925 25
1 Wages paid Screwmen at No. 3 ....................... $7,857 00
" Laborers " " 3....................... 5,68350
' Salaries " Clerks " " 3....................... 3,40000
' Incidental Expenses " " 3....................... 1,59886
' Nails " " 3....................... 1,25780
' HOOPS " " 3....................... 24182
Lumber " 3....................... 14519
$20,184 17
Wages paid Screwmen at No. 4....................... $6,832 00
" Laborers " " 4....................... 2,11350
Salaries " Clerks " " 4....................... 3,40000
Incidental Expenses " 4....................... 77970
1 Nails - 4....................... 45645
HOOPS " " 4....................... 9140
Lumber " 4....................... S4 10
$13,757 15
Wages paid Screwmen at No. 5....................... $5,46200
" Laborers " 5....................... 11025
Salaries " Clerks " " 5....................... 3,40000
Incidental Expenses " " 5....................... 46837
'Nails " " 5....................... 24900
Hoops " « 5....................... 7062
$9,760 24
76,134 41
"Net earnings during the Fiscal Year 1S87. ..........................
$3,051 64
There was due from Tobacco Inspections, September 30th, 1836
from Jno. T. Bond, Inspector of Warehouse No. 3 ..............
Total net earnings for Fiscal Year 1887 and balance from Fiscal
123 38
Year 1886.........................................................
$8,175 02
"There was received Into the Treasury during the Fiscal Year 1887,
"-_ the sum of $2,502 46, from the following Inspectors, to wit:
..Jno. T. Bond, Inspector of Warehouse No. 3. .......................
$1,002 46
Jno. Richardson, " " 5........................
1,500 00
2,502 46
Balance due September soth, 1887...................................
$5,673 56
This balance of $5,672 56 was due as follows:
Edward Magruder, Inspector ol Warehouse No. 1 .................
$151 56
Jno. T. Bond, " 3.................
5,021 00
John Richardson, " " "5.................
500 00
$5,672 66