Somerset countr — Washington ad Fairmouht Academiesand Academic Fund.......
" 281 of 1846, 328 of 1864,
419 of 1870,432 of 1880...
1,400 00
Talbot county— Academic Fund ................................................................
" 107 of 1798, 128 of 1864
and 432 of 1880..............
1,200 00
Washington county, " " ....................................................................
" 232 of 1847, 128 of 1864,
and 432 of 1880...............
1,200 00
Wicomico county, " " ..................................................................
" 434 of 1868, 128 of 1864
and 432 of 1880...............
1,200 00
Worcester county, " " ..................................................................
" 160 of 1865, 128 of 1864
and 432 of 1880...............
1,200 00
47,915 00
St. John's College. ..................................................................
Res. 38 of 1811 & 41 of 1832,
Cb. 315 of 1878.............
7,933 33
7,933 33
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Investigation.........................................................
Ch 383 of 1880...................
70 50
70 50
Commission of Fisheries ...................................................
" 331of '78, 431 & 432 of '80.
15,000 00
15,000 00
Commissions-Five per cent, paid to State's Attorney's for collections ..........
" 432 of 1880....................
847 63
847 53
Contingent fund of the Comptroller..................................
1.056 50
1,056 50
" " " court of Appeals..........................................
. ......... .
300 00
300 00
" Executive. ........................................................
3,514 54
3,514 54
' Land Office.........................................................
281 89
281 89
' Library. ......................................................
and 281 of '82.
800 30
800 30
c Treasury Department. .................................................
1,430 73
1,430 73
1 Attorney General......................................................
1,007 66
1,007 66
Defence of Officers of Registration in Federal Courts.........................................
499 of 1882.....................
464 20
464 20
Deaf ana Dumb Asylum, Frederick City........................................................
432 of 1880.....................
25.000 00
25,000 00
Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum, Baltimore City— Colored...................................
" "
6,375 00
6,375 00
Electoral College of Maryland.......................................................................
25 of 1882......................
500 00
500 00
Expenses in Contested Election Cases..............................................................
232 of 1882.....................
3,539 00
3,539 00
Excess of Fees— Pd. Clerks of City and Circuit Courts, Balto. City — Bal. of salaries
54 of 1868......................
3,675 91
3,675 91
Female House of Refuge...............................................................................
431 and 432 of 1880..........
3,750 00
3,750 00
F. Knapp's English and German Institute.......................................................
355 of 1880...................
1,200 06
1,200 00
Fuel and Lights — For wood, coal and gas furnished public buildings....................
432 of 1880 .................
3,719 31
3,719 31
Government House— For refurnishing.............................................................
120 of 1880..................
724 40
" Insurance on. ..................................................................
432 of 1880...................
342 50
1,066 90
Carried forward..................................................................................
. ... . .
$184,380 71