TABLE No. 22.
A list of Counties indebted, as of the 30th September 1857, for
Colonization Tax, per chap. 281 of 1831.
Dolls. Cts
Allegany County, for 1842, '44, '47 and '49,. ......................
178 28
Howard County, for 1840, '46, '48, '49, '50 and '51,. . ..............
1,469 60
Calvert County, for 1840 and '41, . ............................
308 76
Caroline County, for 1844, '46 and 47, ............................
454 48
Charles County, for 1840, '41, '42 and '51,. .......................
1,299 98
Dorchester County, for 1838, '39 and '40, .. ..................
781 28
Kent County, for 1849, '50 and '51, ..............................
305 12
St. Mary '5 County, for 1851, ....................................
13 94
Montgomery County, for 1834, '35, '36, '37, '40 and '41,. ...........
2,043 96
Queen Anne's County, for 1841, '42 and '46,. .....................
916 29
Harford County, for 1844 and '45,. ...............................
12 26
Prince George's County, for 1847,. ...............................
380 26
18,064 21
TABLE No. 23.
A list of balances due, as of 30th September 1857, by Sundries.
Dolls. Cts
William C Reeder, late Inspector of Tobacco, at Warehouse No. 1,..
3,099 90
Trueman Belt, late Inspector of Tobacco, at Warehouse No. 1,.. ....
4 00
John J. Gross, late Auctioneer in Baltimore,. .....................
223 63
Harrison Daws, late Auctioneer in Baltimore,. .....................
100 13
John H. Naff, late Auctioneer in Baltimore, .......................
243 76
Edward So per, late Auctioneer in Baltimore,. ......................
37 35
John Coulson, Auctioneer in Baltimore, ...........................
13 66
$3,722 43