CHAP. 289.
Passed Mar 30, 1836
An act to Incorporate the Commercial Bank of Baltimore.
SECTION 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Solomon Betts, F. W. Brune, Daniel
Cobb, Henry Thompson, James Beatty, Thomas Balt-
zell, John Hopkins, Charles Tiernan, Joseph W. Pat-
terson, Henry P. Simmer, Thomas Wilson, Charles
H. H. Brown, James George, John W. Keirle and
Francis Neale, he, and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners, under the direction of a majority of whom
subscriptions may be received to the capital stock of
the Commercial Bank of Baltimore, hereby incorpora-
Books to be opened
ted, and they or a majority of them shall cause books
to be opened at such times in the city of Baltimore, and
in the county town of each county of this State, and at
Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, Charles-
ton, and such other places as they may direct, for the
purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock
of said bank, after giving at least four weeks public
notice in all the daily newspapers published in the city
of Baltimore, and in at least one newspaper in every
county of this State, in which a newspaper is or shall
be published, of such times, places and purposes; that
npon the first opening of said books they shall be kept
open from day to day for six days, exclusive of Sun-
day, from ten o'clock, A. M. until two o'clock, P. M.
and if at the expiration of that period, subscriptions to
the said capital stock shall not have been obtained to
the amount necessary to the incorporation of said bank,
the said commissioners or a majority of them, may
cause the said books to he opened from time to time,
after the expiration of the said six days, upon again
giving the notice hereinbefore required, for the space
of twelve months thereafter, unless said amount be
sooner subscribed, and if the subscription made neces-
sary to the incorporation of the said bank shall not
be obtained before the expiration of said twelve months,
this act and all subscriptions under it shall be
null and void; and if any of the said commissioners
shall die, resign, or refuse to act the duties devolved