CHAP. 231.
record a deed from William Hall, of Prince George's
county, to Seth Hyatt, Senior, James Beck, Humphrey
Godman, Jacob Fiddle, and John Williams, Trustees, dated
the second day of October, in the year of our Lord, eigh-
teen hundred and fifteen; for a lot of ground, being part of
a tract of land called Pleasant Grove, situate, lying, and
being in Prince George's, county, state of Maryland, con-
taining one acre of land, and that the same, when recorded,
shall be as good and sufficient in law, to convey the fee
simple estate therein mentioned, as if the same had been
recorded within six months from the date thereof; Provided,
that nothing in this act shall be construed to effect the in-
terest by any third party, to the property therein mentioned,
acquired since the date of the said deed.
Also certificate.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the said clerk is hereby
authorised and required, to record, with the said deed, the
certificate annexed thereto, and signed by Richard Brown,
and dated the twenty-eighth day of January, one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-two, and the therein named
Trustees named
Samuel Peach/ John G. Morsell, John N. Godman and
Wesley Gonway, trustees in trust for the purposes therein
specified, be, and the same are hereby declared the suc-
cessors, in trust, of the aforesaid Setb Hyatt, Senior, James
Humphrey Godman and John Williams, and as their
sucessors are vested with all the power, with which the
aforesaid deed contemplated clothing the trustees.
Passed Mar. 8,1852
An act f or the preservation of Fish, in Allegany county.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly, that sundry persons of the adjoining states, and
others, art in the habit of fishing with nets in the several
creeks mentioned in the following act, so as almost to destroy
the trout and other valuable fish; for the preservation there-
Fishing with seins
or acts.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
if any person shall be found fishing with seins or nets of any
kind in the Big Youghagany, Little Youghagany, Deep
creek, Cherry creek, and Snowy creek, in Allegany coun-
ty, after the passage of this act, every such person so offend-
ing shall forfeit and pay for each offence, the sum of twen-
ty dollars, to be recovered by action of debt before any
justice of the peace; one half to the informer, and the other
half to the school fund of Allegany county.