CHAP 193.
Passes Feb. 24, 1832
An additional supplement to the act, entitled An act for
erecting a Bridge over Choptank River, at or near Do-
ver Ferry.
Investment au-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That it shall be lawful for the president and direc-
tors of the Choptank Bridge Company, to invest by pur-
chase, or otherwise in the stocks of any of the incorporated
banks of this state, or any of the public loans of this state,
or of the corporation of the city of Baltimore, such pro-
portions of the tolls and income of said bridge, as they may
deem necessary to provide against the decay and for re-
pairing said bridge.
Sale or loan au-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said fund when so in-
vested, with the income thereof, shall be held as a fund for
the above purposes, and the said president and directors
shall have full power and authority, to sell and dispose of
the stock and funds as aforesaid, or at their option to bor-
row money upon the credit of their stock and funds, for
the necessary repairs, or rebuilding the said bridge; Pro-
vided, That the stockholders, holding the major part in va-
lue of the said stock, shall approve of this act.
Passed Feb.24,1832
An act for the benefit of William Lemar, of Allegany
WHEREAS, it appears to this General Assembly, that
Thomas Johnson,in May, seventeen hundred and ninety-two,
purchased from Mountjoy Bayly, agent for this state to sell
confiscated property, lots, number two thousand one hun-
dred and ninety-eight, two thousand five hundred and eighty,
lying westward of Fort Cumberland; And whereas, it ap-
pears, that the said Thomas Johnson, paid the purchase
money for said lots, number two thousand one hundred and
ninety-eight, two thousand five hundred and eighty, to the
treasurer of the western shore of this state; And whereas,
it appears that the said Thomas Johnson afterwards, to wit:
on the twentieth day of February, in the year of our Lord,
one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, made a deed of
bargain and sale, to John Limkins, for the whole of said
lot, two thousand five hundred and eighty, and for part of
said lot, number two thousand, one hundred and ninety-