CHAP. 141.
timore, to wit: Lot number two hundred and fifty-seven,,
fronting on Baltimore street, belonging to the said James
H. M'Henry, and lot number two hundred and fifty-eight,
fronting on said street, belonging to the said John E. How-
ard, junior, and any deed or conveyance which the said
guardian, or either of them, shall make, acknowledge, de-
liver, and cause to be recorded in pursuance of this act,
shall be as valid, binding and effectual, as if made and ac-
knowledged by the said James H. M'Henry, and the said
John E. Howard, junior, or either of them, after attaining
Alley may be
shut up.
to the full age of twenty-one years.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Asahel Hussey, of the
city of Baltimore, shall he entitled, as soon as he shall be-
come the owner of the two lots uf ground herein before
mentioned, to shut up part of an alley that runs from Eu-
taw-street to Paca-street, and in the rear of said lots, and
to improve or build upon and hold the said part in fee
simple, to wit: All of the said alley running from Eutaw-
street westwardly, to the western boundary of lot number
two hundred and fifty -seven, or so near thereto as to allow
an alley, running southerly from Chapman's alley, and in-
tersecting the alley first above mentioned in the rear of
lots number two hundred and fifty-seven, and number two
hundred and fifty-six, as distinguished in a division of the
real estate of the late John K. Howard, to he opened and
extended southerly from the said intersection to Baltimore-
street, either on parts of the said two lots, with the assent
of the owner of lot number two hundred and fifty six, if
any part of such extension be made thereon, or if such as-
sent cannot be obtained from the owner of lot number two
hundred and fifty-six, then wholly upon the said lot num-
ber two hundred and fifty seven, the said alley to be ex-
tended and continued of the width of at least sixteen feet,
and thereafter to be and remain a public alley forever;
Provided, that nothing in this section contained shall be
construed to authorise the said Hussey to shut up any part
of the alley herein before mentioned, until he shall have
obtained the assent of the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore to the shutting up of the same.