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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 609   View pdf image (33K)
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1874.] OF THE SENATE. 609

The House bill entitled an Act to incorporate the Mont-
gomery County Agricultural Society.

Which was read the first time and referred to Messrs.
Brewer, Blake and Longwell.


The House bill entitled an Act entitled an additional supple-
ment to an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Baltimore,
Catonville and Ellicott's Mills Passenger Railway Company,
passed at January Session, 1860, chapter 34.

Which was read the first time and referred to the Commit-
tee on Corporations.


The House bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact with
amendments, the Act to incorporate the town of Lutherville,
in Baltimore county,

Which was read the first time and referred to the Com-
mittee on Corporations.


The House bill entitled an Act to authorize and require the
surveyor of Washington county, to survey all public roads
hereafter to be granted by the County Commissioners, and to
make records thereof,

Which was read the first time and referred to Messrs.
Claggett, Phelps and Crawford.


The House bill entitled an Act to add au additional sub-
title and section to Article IV. of the Public Local Laws of
the city of Baltimore to be known under the title "Costs,"
and as section one hundred and fifty-nine and a-half of said

Which was read the first time and referred to the Balti-
more city Senators.


The House bill entitled an Act for the protection of Part-
ridges in Kent county,

Which was read the first time and referred to Messrs.
Spencer, Williams and Aydelott.


The House bill entitled an Act to amend au Act to incor-
porate "The Bachman Valley Rail Road Company, passed
at January Session 1870, authorizing and empowering the



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 609   View pdf image (33K)
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