dred and sixty-eight," entitled "An Act to incorporate the
Baltimore Warehouse Company."
On motion by Mr. Brattan,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings to report a bill to enable Commissioners to take Testi-
mony in, Chancery, to issue attachments against witnesses
neglecting to attend the summons.
To the Committee on Judicial Proceedings to report a
bill to amend Section S, of Article VII., of the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws, entitled "Arbitration and Award."
To the Committee on Judicial Proceedings, to report a bill
to add a new Section to Article LXXV. of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, allowing the striking out of an order for removal
of causes from one Court to another, after the same has been
On motion by Mr. Phelps,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Finance, to report
a bill to allow additional compensation to Charles E. Hay-
ward, State's Attorney for Dorchester connty, and Lewis T.
Melbourne, for professional services in the case of the State
against John R. Plater ; and unto Charles E. Hayward and
John W. Crisfield, in the cases of the State against William
H. McCotter.
On motion by Mr. Davis,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Corporations, to
report a bill to repeal Section 2 of Chapter 362, of the Acts
of 1870, so far as the same provides that no extra assessment
shall be made, and no extra or special tax shall be levied or
collected on any bridge or bridges over a navigable stream,
forming any part of the roadway of any railroad or railroads
in this State, and to re-enact the same as amended.
On motion by Mr. Steiner,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judicial Proceed-
ings, to introduce a bill, entitled, " An Act to repeal An Act
passed at January Session, 1870, Chapter 441, so far as the
same applies to Frederick county."
On motion by Mr. Suit,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Finance, to report
a bill to appropriate $50,000 to erect a residence in the City