No. 235. An act to appropriate a sum of money to Char-
lotte Hall School, in St. Mary's county.....................
No. 236. An act supplementary to a act, entitled " an act
to incorporate the Maryland Institution for the in-
struction of the blind,' passed May the nineteenth,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three.............................
No. 237. An act to change the name of " the South Balti-
more Chemical Works," incorporated by chapter one
hundred and eight of the acts of the General Assembly
of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to that of " the
Chappell Chemical and Fertilizer Company.............
No. 238. An act to amend an act, entitled " an act to
amend the charter of the Peabody Savings Bank of
Baltimore city," approved April the first, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two......................................
No. 239. An act granting the assent of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, to a bequest contained in the
last will and testament of Amelia Matthews, (colored,)
late of the City of Baltimore, deceased, to the Rev.
Mr. Miller, the Priest in charge of St. Francis Xavier,
Colored Roman Catholic Church, located in Calvert
street near Pleasant street, in the City of Baltimore,
or to his successor, for the use and benefit of said
No. 240. An act to repeal the fifth section of the act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at January
session, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, chapter one
hundred and nine, entitled an act to amend an act,
entitled an act to incorporate the Fremont Savings'
Institution of Baltimore, by allowing said institution
the privilege embraced under the act entitled an act
to continue the corporate existence of the several
banking institutions therein mentioned, passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-three,
chapter four hundred and forty-one........................
No. 241. An act to refund to Isaiah Canter, the sum of
four dollars and twenty-five cents, erroneously paid
into the Treasury................................................