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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2988   View pdf image (33K)
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gunpowdor or other combustible matter in such


quantities or places within the city as they may deem


dangerous; to pass all ordinances to provide for


licensing and regulating pawn-brokers, peddlers of


nostrums, notions, patents, secret or pretended in-


ventions and remedies on the streets, lanes or side-


walks of the city; pass all such ordinances, in addi-


tion to those already existing, to levy and collect a


tax on the assessable property of said city as may be


necessary to pay the interest on the city bonds, and


to provide a sinking fund for the redemption thereof


at maturity; to pass ordinances for the preservation


of peace and good order, securing property and per-


sons from violence, danger or destruction; to pass


ordinances for the suppression and restraint and


regulation of bawdy-houses and houses of ill-fame;


to pass ordinances providing for the assessment from


time to time of all kinds of property and securities


in said city on which State and county taxes are or


may be levied, and to levy and collect a tax thereon


for the general purposes of said corporation, not ex-


ceeding in any one year fifty cents on every hundred


dollars worth of said assessable property; to pass


ordinances for the election and qualification of a


City Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, and the appoint-


ment of such other officers, agents and servants as


may be deemed necessary, and to fix their compen-


sation ; to pass ordinances to suppress the practice


of firing and discharging fire-arms, fire-crackers,


rockets, torpedoes and other explosives, either by


prohibiting the sale thereof or otherwise; to pass


ordinances to restrain and prohibit gaming, and to


provide for licensing, regulating or restraining the-


atricals or other public amusements within the


limits of said corporation ; to establish day and night


police, and erect lamps ; to open or close streets or


parts of streets ; provided, that they shall not have


power to close or alienate any public street or alley,


or parts thereof, or pledge the faith and credit oi


said city for any sum exceeding ten thousand dollars,


without first submitting the question to the voters of


said city, after twenty days' public notice, and a


majority7 of the legal voters voting on said question


assenting thereto ; to erect and repair bridges within


the corporation limits; to pass ordinances to levy


and collect taxes on dogs, and to restrain them from





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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2988   View pdf image (33K)
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