and upon our arrival there, we had the honor to pay our
respects to his Excellency J. L. Kemper, Governor of Vir-
ginia, and to deliver to him a letter informing him of the
object of our mission, and requesting him to inform the Gen-
eral Assembly of Virginia that we awaited their pleasure
and convenience as to the time and manner of its execution.
His Excellency forthwith sent a message, with a copy of
our letter, to the two Houses of the General Assembly of
Virginia, and a Joint Committee, consisting of two Senators
and three Delegates, was appointed to tender us the priv-
ileges of the floor of the two Houses, and to arrange for the
presentation of the Resolutions of the General Assembly of
In accordance with the Report of the Joint Committee,
adopted by the two Houses, the Senate and House of Dele-
gates of Virginia assembled in the Hall of the House of
Delegates, in Joint Session, on Wednesday, the 18th instant,
when we were formally received with a most cordial greeting
and welcome, by the President of the Senate, who pre-
sided at the Joint Session, and we had the honor, then and
there, to present to the General Assembly of Virginia the
Resolutions of the General Assembly of Maryland.
We have the honor further to report, that our reception
by his Excellency the Governor of Virginia, by the Joint
Committee of the two Houses, and by the General Assembly
in Joint Session, by the members of the two Houses indi-
vidually, and by the citizens of Virginia at their Capitol,
many of whom called upon us, was in every respect marked
by every indication of consideration, and with most warm
and cordial expressions of friendly regard for Maryland and
her citizens, and of desire for an amicable adjustment of the-
matter in controversy.
We have the honor to remain,
With high consideration,
Your obedient servants,
Which were severally read.
On motion of Mr. Valliant,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Claims to intro-
duce a bill to pay to the order of the Trustees of the late
Colored Peoples' Church in Oxford Neck, Talbot county, de-
stroyed by fire while occupied as a school-house for the edu-