authorised to pay to the several members of the present
General Assembly, and the officers thereof, or to their re-
spective orders, the several sums of money now due or
that may from time to time become due to them respective-
ly, and for which they shall obtain certificates from the
chairman of the committee on claims of the present House
of Delegates.
No. 4,
Passed Jan. 10, 1834
Resolution granting indulgence to Isaac G. Magruder,
Collector of Prince George's county,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Isaac G. Magruder, collector ,of Prince George's county,
have until the first day of March next to collect and pay
into the treasury, five hundred and twelve dollars and sixty-
six cents, being the quota of said county to the colonization
fund for the year eighteen hundred and thirty three.
No. 5,
Passed Jan. 11.
Resolution authorising the Armourer to deliver to Captain
Alexander Cheves, arms, &c.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Armourer at Annapolis be and he is hereby required
to deliver to Captain Alexander Cheves, of Baltimore ciiy,
any arms or accoutrements not exceeding seventy five of
each, which the said Cheves may select, on his giving such
security for the safe keeping and return of the same us the
Governor and Council may require.
No. 6.
Passed Jan, 1.3
Resolution relative to furnishing Editors of newspapers or
public journals with a copy of the printed journals of
proceedings of both houses.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
for the purpose of general information, and that the public