follows: Beginning for the first, on the north side of Wal-
brook avenue distant 285 feet westerly from the northwest
corner of Walbrook avenue and Pulaski street, and running
thence westerly bounding on the north side of Walbrook avenue
15 feet, thence northerly parallel with Pulaski street 70 feet tp
the south side of an alley 30 feet wide, thence easterly on the
south side of said alley, with the use thereof in common, 13
feet, and thence southerly by a straight line to the place of be-
ginning." "Beginning, for the second. on the north side of
Walbrook avenue distance, 300 fret from the northwest corner
of Walbrook avenue and Pulaski street, and running thence
westerly bounding on the north side of Walbrook avenue 13 feet.
thence northerly parallel with J'ulaski street 70 feet to the south
side of an alley 10 feet wide, thence easterly on the south side
of said alley, with the use of thereof in common, 13 feet, und
thence southerly, by a straight line 70 feet to the place of begin-
ning." "Beginning, for the third, on the north side of Wal-
brook avenue distant 315 feet westerlv from the northwest
corner of Walbrook avenue and Pulaski street, and running
thence westerly bounding on the north side of Walbrook avenue
15 feet to the east side of Smallwood street, thence northerly on
the east side of Small wood street 70 feet to the south side of a
10-foot alley, thence easterly on the south side of said alley,
with the use thereof in common, 13 feet, and thence southerly
by a straight line to the place of beginning. Said deed being
Said deed be-
of record among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber
ing of re-
cord among
R. O., No. 2036, folio 410, etc. (g) To the grant of the re-
City Land
version, in fee, of a lot of ground and the improvements there-
on, in Baltimore City, bv Virginia Crane and husband, to said
vestry, said lot being known as No. 617 West Lombard street,
and described as follows : "Beginning for the same on the line
of the south side of Lombard street at the distance of 19 feet
6 inches westerly from the northeast comer of the whole lot
conveyed heretofore to Evan T. Ellicott, et al., by John White.
trustee, by deed of October 2, 1846, Liber A. W. B., No. 400,
folio 212, etc., running thence westerly bounding on the south
side of Lombard street 25 feet 6 inches, thence southerly paral-
lel with Greene street 174 feet, or thereabout, to Carpenter alley,
thence easterly bounding on the north side of Carpenter alley
23 feet 6 inches, and thence northerly by a straight line to the
place of beginning." Said deed being of record among the
Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber R. T. A., No. 956,
folio 228, etc. (h) To the grant of the reversion, in fee, of
three lots of ground and the improvements thereon, in Balti-
three lots of
ground in
more City, by R. Stanley Carswell to said vestry, said lots being-
known as Nos. 1248, 1250 and 1252 James street, described as
follows: "Beginning, for the first, on the northwesternmost
side of James street at the distance of 140 feet northeasterly
from the corner formed by the intersection of the northeastern-
most side of Carey street and the northwesternmost side of
James street, and running thence northeasterly binding on the
northwesternmost side of James street 14 feet, thence north-