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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
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Marsh, Gilbert (Hunter v.), 157, 178, 209

Mason, Robert v. Jenkinson, Nathaniell, [1], 18

Marsh, Gilbert (Robinson v.), 517, 543-44


Marsh, Gilbert v. Gonnell, Daniell, 432

Mason, Robert v. Jenkinson, Nathaniell, [2], 392,

Marsh, John, and Co., lix

396, 441

Marsh, John, and Co., alias Nellson, John v.

Mason, Robert v. Jenkinson, Nathaniell, [3], 453

Nellson, Thomas, 37

Mason, Robert v. Jenkinson, Nathaniell, [4], 516,

Marsh, John, and Co. v. Barton, William,

544, 600

plaisterer, 56, 109, 158, 167-68, 322, 343, 373

Mason, Robert v. Stimpson, William, [1], 392,

Marsh, John, and Co. v. Biggs, Robert, 1 7, 33

396, 440-41

Marsh, John, and Co. v. Bridges, Thomas, 56, 106

Mason, Robert, v. Stimpson, William, [2], xciv,

Marsh, John and Co. v. Mahony, Timothy, 177,

454, 466, 514, 543, 575-76

243, 245, 247, 262

Mathews, Jonathan, 617

Marshall, Joshua (Clarke v.), 359, 363

Mathiason (Mathioson, Matthioson), Matthias

Marsham, Ann, 73, 74, 200, 201, 298, 299, 303,

(Matthew) v. Smart, Anthony, 281, 292, 295-96

304, 305, 557, 558, 562, 564. See also entries under

Mattapany (St. Mary's County), ix-x

Marsham, Richard and Ann; Marsham,

Mattaponay Branch, 5

Richard and Ann, admrx. Brent

Mattapony (Matapony, Mattapany, Mattopony)

Marsham (Marcham), Richard, ci, 130, 140, 274,

Hundred, xlii, 5, 42, 64, 166, 183, 248, 282, 324,

389, 410, 440

355, 356, 375, 393, 395, 430, 539, 547

Marsham, Richard and Ann, admrx. Brent

Mattapony Landing, 91

(Attwood v.), [1], 55, 63, 142

Mattawoman, 5

Marsham, Richard and Ann, admrx. Brent

Mattawoman Creek, xv

(Attwood v.), [2], 159, 167, 200-01

Mattawoman main branch, 4, 14-15

Marsham, Richard and Ann, admrx. Brent

Matthews, Jonathan, 604

(Plowden v.), 293, 298-99

Matthews (Mathews), John v. Leman, Hickford,

Marsham, Richard and Ann, admrx. Brent v.

515, 524, 605

Wayford, William, 281, 292, 303-05, 321, 344

Mattox, Benjamin, 599

Marsham, Richard and Ann, admrx. Brent v.

Mayberry (Mabbery), Francis, Ivi, 326

Willson, Jonathan, 556-57, 558-59, 562, 564

Mayhall, Timothy. See Mahony, Timothy

Marsham, Richard and Ann (Lowe v.), cxiii,

Meade, Isaack (Onbee v.), 157, 175

73-75, 84. See also Brent, Henry, admrx. of

Mecartny (Mecartney), Charles (Carletons v.),

(Lowe v.)

20, 37

Marsham (Marcham), Richard, gar. Crotoffe

Meeds, William (His Majesty v.), 215

(Cobb v.), 386-87, 434-35, 456, 518

Mehony, Timothy. See Mahony, Timothy

Marsham (Marsden, Marshamm), Richard, gar.

Meriton (Merriton, Merry ton, Meryton), John,

Stevens (Dent v.), 44

xxviii, xxix, xxxi, xci, cv, ex, cxi, cxv, 24, 25, 26,

Marsham, Richard v. Beall, Ninian, 109, 125-26

63, 73, 94, 100, 101, 112, 126, 143, 165, 166,

Marsham, Richard v. Creycroft, John, 158, 161,

169, 173, 174, 181, 184, 185, 186, 188, 199, 204,


206, 207, 215, 220, 222, 224, 226, 229, 232, 233,

Marsham, Richard v. Killow, John, 55, 106

234, 240, 241, 244, 250, 252, 260, 261, 263, 264,

Marsham (Marcham), Richard v. Orton,

266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 273, 274, 295, 301, 302,

Thomas, 488, 545

303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309, 311,317, 320, 325,

Marsham, Richard (Watkinson v.), 163-64

331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 341, 349, 352,

Marsham, Richard (Watts v.), [1], lixre, 176, 181,

355, 356, 357, 363, 366, 367, 375, 396, 397, 401,


403, 418, 436, 440, 442, 478, 491, 499, 522, 523,

Marsham, Richard (Watts v.), [2], 545, 549

524, 526, 527, 534, 535, 536, 537, 542, 548, 549,

Martin, James, 408

551, 552, 555, 591, 593, 595, 596

Martin, James v. Beall, Ninian, 179, 182, 241-42,

Meriton (Merry ton), John (His Majesty v.), 456

345, 391

Meriton (Meryton), John v. Chapman, John, 466,

Martin, James v. Sporne, Nicholas, cxiv, 454, 466,


481, 514, 544

Meriton (Meritton), John v. Crotoffe, Cortney,

Martin, James v. Wapple, James, 292, 295, 343,

159, 161, 175, 322, 323, 343
Meriton, John v. Edwards, Richard, 293, 301-02,
32 1 329-30

Mary II, viii, xxxi, 62, 235, 238

Meriton, John v. Elliott, Daniell, 372, 379

Maryland, viii, ix, x, xi, xii, xiii, xiiin, xiv, xv,

Meriton, John v. Groome, William, xciii-xciv,

xvii, xxiin, xxv, xxvii, xxxi, xl, xli, xliv, xlv, lix,

179, 181,245,270-71,281

Ixii, Ixviii, Ixxxiii, Ixxxivw, cxi, cxii, cv, 1, 2, 3,
76, 135, 146, 165, 187, 235, 238, 240, 243, 260,

Meriton (Meryton), John v. Hill, Jonathan, 488,

262, 268, 275, 276, 290, 291, 310, 336, 360, 361,

Meriton (Merryton, Meryton), John v.

370, 402, 426, 442, 448, 467, 469, 520, 521, 532,

Mockeboy, Matthew, 345, 349, 370, 455, 514

535, 561, 577, 596, 603, 604, 617

Meriton (Meryton), John v. Orton, Thomas, 432,

Mason, Robert, 4, 14, 278, 325

436, 485, 514, 524-25



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