Jurors Aforesaid Assessed together with all Costs and Charges in pro-
cecuteing the aforesaid Action as alsoe all Costs and Damages that Shall be
Awarded by the Provintiall Court for the Delaying of Execution that then this
Recognizance Shall be voyd and of none Effect otherwise to Stand and be in full
force and Vertue.
John Davis plantiffe: John Garrett Defendant
Prince Georges County Ss. John Garrett late of Prince Georges County gentle-
man was Attached to Answer unto John Davis of a plea of trespass upon the Case
And Whereupon the Said John Davis by James Cranford his Attorney Com-
plaineth that whereas by An Act of Assembly of this province of Maryland made at
a Generall Assembly held at the City of St. Maryes the 21th day of Sept. in the
6th yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by
the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King and Queen de-
fenders of the faith etc. Annoque Domini 1694 And by Severall Acts of Assemblys
of this province Since made Revived and Continued Still in force Intituled An
Act (Prohibiting all Masters of Ships or Vessells or any other persons from trans-
porting or Conveying away any person or persons out of this province without
Passes) It was Amongst other things therein Contained Enacted that any person
or persons whatsoever Intending to depart this province Shall first give notice of
his her or their Intended departure by Setting up his or their names at the
Secretaries office the full Space of three months that if in the time aforesaid no
person Shall under wrighte the Said person or persons Soe Setting up his or their
name or names as aforesaid It Shall then be Lawfull [217] For the Governor,
Keeper of the great Scale or Secretary of this province for the time being to Signe
a pass to any Such person or persons to depart this province for which pass the
party Shall pay to the person Signing the Same the Sume of two Shillings Six
pence Sterling and if any person or persons upon any Suddaine or Emergent
Occation are necesiated to depart this province not haveing Sett up his or their
name or names at the Secretaries Office aforesaid then Such person or persons
giveing good Suffitient Security to the Governor, keeper of the great Scale or
Secretary to discharge and pay all Debts and Accounts whatsoever due and owing
from the Said persons to any of the Inhabitants then the Said person or persons
Soe departing may have a passe as aforesaid (And in the Said Act it was further
Enacted) that any Master of Shipps or vessells or other persons whatsoever that
Shall transport or Convey out of this province by land or water any Freeman
being Indebted by bond bill Account or otherwise to any Inhabitants thereof
without Such pass under the hand of the Governor, Chansellor or Secretary
aforesaid Shall be Lyable to Sattisfie all Such Debts Engagements and damages to
the person or persons to whome Such Debt or Damages Respectively Shall be due
within this province Except the Same be otherwise Sattisfied or that the trans-
porter or Conveyeer away of Such person or persons procure Such persons or per-
sons to Returne againe in one month after where by he may be Lyable to Justice
here As by the Said Act Relation being thereunto had more at large may Appeare.
Noutwithstanding which the Said John Garrett the Said Act of Assembly well
knowing and the penaltyes therein Contained but not at all Regarding nor one Jott
Feareing the Same but in dispight and Contempt thereof after the makeing of the
Said Act of Assembly (to witt) About the tenth day of December in the yeare of our
Lord 1696 at Potomock River that is to Say att Charles Towne within the Jurisdic-
tion of this Court did transport and Convey in a boate of his the Said John Garrett