NOV. 1812.
CHAP. 120. |
of the death, resignation, or refusal to act, of any of the commissioners
named in this act, the vacancy or vacancies so occasioned,
shall be filled up by the levy court of Baltimore county, at the request
of the surviving or remaining commissioner or commissioners. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
An Act for opening and extending Low-Street, in the Eastern Precincts
of Baltimore. Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 457. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS sundry persons of the city and eastern precincts
Baltimore, have represented to this general assembly, that the
beauty and convenience of the said city and precincts require the
opening and extending of Low-street, and have petitioned for the
same; therefore, |
Street may be
opened and extended
—its width
and direction |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the commissioners of the eastern precincts of Baltimore shall be
and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to open and extend
Low-street, commencing at its intersection with Union-street,
thence of the width of thirty-three feet north forty-seven degrees
east, to a stake by the side of Diffenderfer's fence, thence of the
same width, north forty-eight and a quarter degrees east, until it
intersects Aisquith street at a mark on the fence; and the said street,
when so opened and extended, and the assessment and valuation
hereinafter directed shall have been made, shall be deemed and
taken, and is hereby declared to be a public street and highway for
ever thereafter; and the said commissioners are hereby required to
return a plot ascertaining the limits and extent of the said street
when so opened and extended, to the clerk of Baltimore county
court, who shall receive and file the same in his office. |
Jury to be summoned
to estimate
damages. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sheriff of
Baltimore county,
after having at least five days notice in one of the newspapers
published in the city of Baltimore, shall at any time before the
first day of November next, summon a jury to consist of twelve
freeholders, inhabitants of the said precincts, not interested in the
premises, who being first sworn to assess and value what damages
will be sustained, and what benefit and advantages will be derived,
by any person or persons whomsoever by reason of the opening
and extending of said street, shall proceed forthwith to assess and
value what damages may be sustained by any person or persons
whomsoever, by reason of opening and extending the said street,
and shall also ascertain and declare what sum of money each individual
benefitted thereby shall contribute and pay to the person or
persons who will be injured by such opening and extension; and that
the said jury shall forthwith and return, under their hand and seal,
tot he clerk of Baltimore county court, the names of the persons
injured, and also those benefitted by the opening and extension
aforesaid, with an estimate of the amounts which by the person or
persons injured shall be received, and by the person or persons
benefitted shall be paid. |
Sums assessed,
when to be paid. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the person or persons
who shall
be adjudged by the said jury to be benefitted by the said opening
and extending of said street, and shall be assessed as aforesaid,
shall respectively, (within three months after the assessment shall
be made,) pay the sum or sums of money so charged and assessed |