Thoroughgood, Scott Brewington, and Henry S.
Brewington, Trustees of the Methodist Protestant
Church, in Salisbury, Wicomico county, did, on the
twenty-eighth day of October, in the year eighteen
hundred and seventy-one, sell at public auction the
lot or parcel of land lying and being in that part of
Salisbury Town, known as Camden, on the east side
of Camden Avenue, upon winch is situated the old
Methodist Protestant Church building, being the
same lot which was conveyed to the said trustees, or
their predecessors in that capacity, by Nathan Gordy,
deceased, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the. General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sale made by said trustees be
and the same is hereby ratified and made valid in
law, and that the said trustees, or a majority of them,
he also authorized and empowered to convey the
title to the said property in fee, by) deed to be exe-
cuted, acknowledged and recorded according to law.
SEC. 2. And he it enacted, That the said trustees, or
a majority of them, are hereby authorized and em-
powered to sell said property to any purchaser or
purchasers, and to give a good and sufficient title to
the same in fee.
SEC. 3. And he it enacted. That the trustees afore-
said 1) and they are hereby authorized and empow-
ered to sell the Methodist Protestant Parsonage
property, situate in that part of Salisbury Town,
known as Camden, and to give a good and sufficient
title to the same in fee.
SEC. 4. And he if further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1872.
Sale ratified
and made
to sell.
to sell.
In force.