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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 875   View pdf image (33K)
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money not exceeding three hundred dollars, for the purpose
of reimbursing certain parties for expense incurred in the
erection of two bridges in Baltimore county,

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays.

The bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 55, 56, 57, 58,
59, 60, 65 and 73 of Article 15, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, entitled "Montgomery County," sub-title, " Rock-
ville," and to re-epact the following sections in lieu thereof,

Endorsed, '' Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to amend and re-enact sections 86
and 95, of Article 4, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Bal-
timore city, entitled "Auctions,"

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to regulate lees of the Sheriff of
Worcester eounty, so far as relates to board of prisoners,

Endorsed, " Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to amend and make perpetual the
charter of the Society of .Redemptionists, of the City of Balti-
more, incorporated January 21st, 1842,

Endorsed, " Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to amend chapter 389, of Acts of
Assembly, January session, 1864, entitled an Act supple-
mental to the Act entitled an Act to incorporate the Balti-
more and Liberty Turnpike Company, and amendatory of
the Act entitled an Act incorporating a Company to make the
Bloomingdale Turnpike road on the bed of the present road
leading from the Blacksmith's shop of John Slack, on the
Franklin Turnpike road, in Baltimore county, to intersect
the Windsor Mill road at a point at or near the city line, and
running thence on the bed of the Windsor Mill road to a
point known as Wells' corner, by inserting an additional
section as a substitute for section 9, and make the present
section 9 to number 10,

Endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to incorporate St. James and Elli-
cott City Turnpike Company,

Endorsed, " Passed by yeas and nays."

The bill entitled an Act to repeal section 17, Article 53,
of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled " Landlord and
Tenant," as repealed and re-enacted by chapter 173, of the
Acts passed 1868, exempting certain articles from distress for
rent, and to re-enact the following in lieu thereof,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 875   View pdf image (33K)
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