An Act to authorize the Trustees, ofMechanicstown Acade-
my, Frederick county, or their successors, to sell and con-
vey said Academy and distribute the proceeds of the sale
thereof among stockholders.
An Act to refund to J. S. McCartney, of Hagerstown,
Washington county, the sum of twenty-five dollars, errone-
ously paid into the Treasury of the State.
An Act supplemental to an Act to authorize and require
the County Commissioners of Baltimore county to convey a
a lot of ground to the Board of School Commissioners of Bal-
timore county, to be used for a Public School House site,
passed 1868, chapter 393.
An Act to repeal section 18 of the Act entitled "an Act to
incorporate a company to build a Turnpike Road from Lib-
ertytown, Frederick county, through Johnsville to Pipe
Creek," chapter 338, passed January session, 1864, and re-
enact the same with amendments.
An Act to repeal section six hundred and nineteen of Arti-
cle four, of the Public Local Laws, entitled "City of Balti-
more," sub-title "Justices of the Peace and Constables," and
to re-enact the same so as to read as follows.
An Act granting the assent of the General A ssembly of
Maryland, to a bequest of a legacy made in the last will and
testament of Elizabeth A. McMains, late of Cecil county, de-
ceased, to the Trustees of the lower West Nottingham Pres-
byterian Church, in said county.
An Act to amend'an Act passed January session eighteen
hundred and sixty, entitled "an Act to incorporate the Car-
rollton Avenue Company.
An Act to authorize the Mayos and City Council of Balti-
more, to endorse the mortgage bonds of the Western Mary-
land Railroad Company, to the amount of fourteen hundred
thousand dollars, as provided by an ordinance of the said
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, entitled an ordinance
to authorize the endorsement or guarantee by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, of the mortgage bonds of the West-
ern Maryland Railroad Company, and to provide a sinking
fund in connection therewith, approved January 26th, 1870.
An Act to repeal the fifteenth section of Article five, of the
Code of Public General Laws, relating to appeals, and re-
enact the same with amendments, and to add an additional
section to said Article.
An Act entitled "a supplement and amendment to an Act
entitled an Act to incorporate the People's Gas Company, of
Baltimore city, passed at January session 1860, chapter 291,.