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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 3166   View pdf image (33K)
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Sec. 137. And be it enacted, That the said Com-
missioners may pass ordinances to preserve the
health of the town, to prevent and remove nuis-
ances, to prevent, retrain or regulate the running
at. large of horses, cattle, swine and geese within
the limits of said town, to prohibit the firing of
guns or pistols or the shooting of fire-crackers
within the said town, to prohibit and disperse the
tumultuous meetings of idle, dissolute or drunken
persons, to provide for working and mending the
public streets, to open, close, alter and widen the
streets, lanes and alleys, to provide for the paving

Pass ordi-

the sidewalks and gutters, and generally to pro-
vide for the regulation, good government and im-
provement of said town, and may enforce the ob-
servance thereof, under such penalties, fines and
forfeitures, as they shall deem proper not exceed-
ing ten dollars for any one offence and all such
fines, penalties and forfeitures, may be recovered
before a Justice of the Peace, by warrant, judg-
ment and commitment for a period not exceeding
ten days, to the public jail of Worcester county,
in the same manner that commitments are made
for fines imposed by the Circuit Courts of thjs
State, on conviction for misdemeanor; but the
said Commissioner or a majority of them shall
have power at any time to remit or release the said


fines, penalties, forfeitures and costs or any part
thereof at their discretion; but any party fined or
subjected to any penalty or forfeiture may within
five days after the same shall be imposed, and
judgment recovered, supercede or stay the same
for thirty days by giving ample personal security
to the Justice of the Peace.


Sec. 138. And be it enacted, That the said Com-
missioners shall provide for levying and collecting
an annual tax of fifty cents on the owner of every
dog, and one dollar on the owner of every bitch
within the said town, and the killing of every dog
and bitch whose owner cannot be ascertained, or
whose owner shall refuse to pay said tax, or who
shall fail to do so within one month from the
time he shall be notified.

Tax on dogs.

Sec. 139. And be it enacted, That the public
grounds in said town shall be vested in said Com-
missioners so far as to preserve the same and pre-

Public ground



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 3166   View pdf image (33K)
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