Local Laws," under title "Caroline County," sub-
title "Greensborough," be and the same are here-
by enacted in lieu thereof.
Enacted in
98. The inhabitants of the village of Greensbo-
rough, in Caroline County, are a body corporate
by the name of "The Commissioners of Greensbo-
rough," and by that name may sue and be sued,
Body corpo-
may purchase and hold real, personal and mixed
property, or dispose of the same for the benefit of
said village and may have and use a common seal,
which may be altered at pleasure.
and hold real
99. All property and funds of every kind be-
longing to or in possession of the village of
Greensborough are vested in the said Corporation,
and the said Corporation may receive in trust, and
may control for the purpose of such trusts, all
money or other property which may have been or
shall be bestowed upon such Corporation by will,
deed, or any other form of gift or conveyance in
trust for any general Corporation purpose, or in
aid of the indigent and poor, or for charitable
Funds vested
in corporation
purposes within said village ; and the said Cor-
poration may lease or otherwise dispose of any
property now owned or which may be hereafter
acquired by said village, having first given public
May lease.
notice of such lease or sale in one or more of the
newspapers printed in Caroline County once a
week for three successive weeks before such lease
or sale.
Public notice.
100. The bounds of Greensborough shall be as
they have been, or may hereafter be fixed by the
Commissioners of said village, not containing
more than four hundred acres of land.
Bounds of vil-
101. The citizens of Greensborough who have
resided in said village for six months previous to
the day of election, and who are qualified to vote
for delegates to the General Assembly, shall, on
the fourth Monday of April, annually, at such
place as the Commissioners of said village shall
Qualified to
appoint, elect by ballot five persons, residents and
qualified voters of said village, Commissioners of
102. The Commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall be judges of such election, and the proceed-
ings shall be recorded under their direction, and
Judges of elec-