seven, Chapter two hundred and sixty-eight, enti-
tled "An Act to incorporate the Baltimore Ware-
house Company," be so amended that the same
shall read, and be as follows: The said Corpora-
tion is hereby authorized to charge, receive and
collect the usual and customary rates of dockage,
wharfage, storage and lighterage, for the use of
their docks, quays, wharves and warehouses, and
the machinery or elevators therewith connected, or
for the use of the lighters or other means of trans-
portation by it employed, and is also authorized
to charge, receive and collect all other charges and
expenses incurred or to be incurred for labor or
otherwise in the receipt, delivery, storage, keeping
or custody of goods, wares, merchandise or other
property received by or stored with it; and is also
authorized to make advances upon all goods,
wares, merchandise or other property which may
he received by or stored with it, or upon any bill
of lading, storekeeper's or inspector's certificate,
order for the delivery of goods, or other document
showing possession or the right thereto, upon such
terms as may be lawfully agreed upon by the citi-
zens of this State, other than corporations engaged
in any similar business; and is also authorized to
charge such commissions and interest, and to make
Make ad-
such other charges as are usual and customary;
and be it hereby enacted, that all of such charges,
expenses, advances and commissions and interest
shall be a lien on the said goods, wares, merchandise,
hills of lading, storekeeper's or inspector's certifi-
cates, order for the delivery of goods, or other doc-
uments showing possesssion or the right thereto,
or other property, upon any goods, wares, mer-
chandise, bills of lading, storekeeper's or inspec-
tor's certificates, orders for the delivery of goods,
or other documents showing possession, or the
right thereto, or other property, belonging to the
party or parties by whom said charges, expenses,
advances and commissions and interest are due or
accruing, which may be in custody or possession
of the Baltimore Warehouse Company, or to which
Make other
the said Baltimore Warehouse Company have the
right of possession; and if the said charges, ex-
penses, advances, commissions and interest, or any
of them, or part of any of them, [or part of any of
them,] shall remain unpaid, when the same are or
is payable, or if there has been any breach of any
Right of pos-
session .