AN ACT to repeal the Act of incorporation cf
Mechanicstown, Frederick County, Maryland,
passed February thirteenth, eighteen hundred
and thirty-two, Chapter one hundred and eleven,
and the supplements thereto, and Sections one
hundred and ninety-three, one hundred and
ninety-four, one hundred and ninety-five, one
hundred and ninety-six, one hundred and ninety-
seven, one hundred and ninety-eight, one hun-
dred and ninety-nine, two hundred, two hundred
and one, two hundred and two, two hundred
and three, two hundred and four, two hundred
and five, two hundred and six, two hundred and
seven, two hundred and eight, two hundred and
^nine, two hundred and ten, two hundred and
eleven, and two hundred and twelve, of Article
eleven of the Code of Public Local Laws, and
to substitute in lieu of said Acts and Sections
the following Sections incorporating the village
of Mechanicstown, in said county ;
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Leonard Picking, George W.
Foreman and Frederick White, citizens of the vil-
lage of Mechanicstown, Frederick County, Mary-
land, are created a body politic by the name of
Commissioners of Mechanicstown, with all the
privileges of a body corporate, and as such shall
have succession, and by their corporate name may
sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, grant,
receive and do all other acts as natural persons,
and may purchase and hold real, personal and
mixed property, or dispose of the same for the
benefit of said village, and have and use a com-
mon seal which they may change at pleasure.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the white male
citizens of said village of the age of twenty-one
years and upwards, being citizens of the United
States, who shall have resided in said village for
and during the space of six months preceding,
may on the second Monday of April in each and