38 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan 18„TUESDAY, January 18,1870.
The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Hildt.
Present at roll call the following Senators : Messrs. President, Biggs, Browne, Carroll, Clarke, Den-
son, Earle, Fields, Henkle, Henry, Hyland, Jump, Kimmel,
Maddox, Malone, Miller, Sellman, Snyder, Spates, Stephen-
son, Timmons, Welch, Wilson—23. The President announced a communication from his Excel-
lency, Gov. Bowie, by the hands of R. C. Hollyday, Esq.,
Secretary of State. The Clerk of the House of Delegates delivered the follow-
ing message:
Gentlemen of the Senate : We propose, with the concurrence of your Honorable Body,
to proceed to the election of State Treasurer, in accordance
with the message of your Honorable Body, acceded to by this
House on the 13th inst. We have nominated on the part of this House Messrs. John.
Merryman, of Baltimore county, Robert Fowler, of Baltimore
county, William F. Pannell, of Harford county, and Hon.
Joshua Vansant, of Baltimore city. And we have appointed Messrs. German, Cameron and
Streett to join such gentlemen as may be named by your
Honorable Body, to count the ballots and report the result. By order,
MILTON Y. KIDD, Chief Clerk.
Which was read, Mr. Snyder submitted the following message BY THE SENATE, January 18,1870.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates : We have received your message, proposing to proceed to
an election of State Treasurer, and concur therein, and have
nominated on the part of the Senate Messrs. Joshua Vansant,
Robert Fowler, John Merryman and Wm. F. Pannell ; and
have appointed Messrs. Snyder and Clarke to join the gentle-
men appointed on the part of your Honorable Body, to count
the ballots and report the result.
By order,