Private Bar Task Force, 1995—, Children's Justice Act
Committee, 1995— President, James Macifill American
Inn of'Court, 1995—
JOHN C. THEMELIS. Associate Judge, Baltimore City
Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1988 Panel chair,
Health Claims Arbitration Board, 1976 82 Assistant State's
Attomev Baltimore City, 1976 83 Contract Assistant Public
Defender, Baltimore City, 1983 84 Associate Judge, District
Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore City, 1984 88
Member Judicial Education Committee, 1985 87, and
Criminal and Motor Vehicle Matters Standing Committee,
1987 88, Distnct Court of Maryland Vice Chair, DWI Sen
tencmg Guidelines Subcommittee, 1987 89 Member, Civil and Procedure Committee, 1992 94, Criminal Law and
Procedure Committee, 1995—, Maryland Judicial Confer
ence Member, Sentencing Guidelines Advisory Board, 1987
92 Born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 23, 1947
University of Maryland, BS, 1970, University of Baltimore
School of Law, JD, cum laude, 1975 Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1975 Member, Maryland State and District of'Columbia
Bar Associations, Baltimore City Bar Association (domestic
violence committee, 1985 86, Judicial administration commit
tee, 1986 87, District Court subcommittee, 1986 88, Judicial
awareness committee, 1986 88, historical committee, 1986 95,
standing committee on criminal law, 1986—, gender has
committee, 1995—) Member, Maryland Circuit Judges Asso-
ciation, 1993— Board of Trustees, St Nicholas Greek Orthodox
Church, 1983 87 (treas, 1983 84, vicepres, 1984 87) Presi
dent, Greek School Board of St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church,
1984 86 Member, AT &AM, Boumi Shrine, Baltimore, York
Rite, '•Scottish Rite, Order of AHEPA Board of Directors, Druid
Hil/YMCA, 1988-91 Board of Directors, Jentry McDonald
Group Home, 1989 91 Life sustaining member, NAACP
Member, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1989 91
Member, Heuisler Honor Society, listed in American Hellenic
Who's Who in Business and me Professions Adjunct faculty,
Univeisity of Baltimore School of Law, 1986 89, Loyola College,
1987 89 Instructor, Maryland Institute for Continuing Profes-
sional Education for Lawyers (MICPEL), 1986 89 Member,
Mayor's Sister City Program (Baltimore City, & Piraeus,
Greece), 1986— Member, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
Alumni Association, 1990— Lecturer, Law Related Education
Project, Lake Clifton and Eastern High School, 1991— Lec-
turer, Survivors Against Violence Everywhere, 1994
RAYMOND G. THIEME, JR Circuit Administrative
Judge, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial
Circuit, since 1982 (Associate Judge, 1977 82) Assistant
State's Attorney and Deputy State's Attorney, Anne Arun
del County, 1967 70 State's Attorney, Anne Arundel
County, 1970 73 Associate Judge, District Court of
Maryland, District 7, Anne Arundel County, 1973 77
Chair, Conference of Circuit Judges, 1987 92 Born in
Baltimore, Maryland, November 17,1930 Attended Loyola
High School, Loyola College,A B, 19ci2, University of Mary-
land School of Law, J D, 1956 Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1956 Member, American Maryland State and Anne
Arundel County Bai Associations
ate Judge, Cecil County Circuit Court, 2nd Judicial Cir
cmt, since 1995 Assistant Public Defender, Cecil County,
1986 95 Town Attorney, Chesapeake City, 1990 92,
1993 95 Born in Morgantown, West Virginia, August 20,
1944 Seivedin US Army, 1963 66 (paratroops, military
police, Vietnam combat) Pennsylvania State University,
B A, 1975, State University of New York at Buffalo, School
of Law,] D, cum laude, 1980, American Graduate School
of International Management, Glendale, Arizona, M I M
(master »} international management), 1981 Admitted to
New York Bar, 1981, Maryland Bar, 1982, Pennsylvania
Bar, 1983 Member, Maryland State and Cecil County Bar
Associations, American Trial Lawyers Association
DURKE G. THOMPSON. Associate Judge,
Montgomery County Circuit C ourt, 6th Judicial Circuit,
since 1994 Member, Trial ( ouits Nominating (. ommis
sion, Montgomery (. ountv, 1988 91 Bo»n in Washing
ton, DC, August 5, 1942 University of Manland College
Park, BA, 1964, University of Wisconsin School of Law,
JD, 1967 Law clerk to Judge Thomas Andn son, Court of
Special Appeals, 1967 Served in US A) my/ Maryland
National Guard, 1967 72 (19th special fort(sgioup), US
Army Reserve, 1972 73 (754th en il affans regiment)
Admitted to Maryland Bai, 1968 Mtinbu, Amincan Ba»
Association, Maryland State Bar Association (board of
governors, 1979 81, 1986 88 executive committee, 1979,
1986-88, chair, judicial appointments commtthL, 1988 90,
board of directors, people's pro bono coordinating corp,
1989-91) Member, Montgomery County Bai Association
(pros, 198586, executive committee I9"3 75 198285,
chair, constitution revision committee I9"5) Member,
Maryland State and Montgomery ( ounty Bai foundations
Bencher, Montgomery County Inns of Couit Albitratoi,
American Arbitration Association 1984 94
JOHN H. TISDALE. Associate Judge Frederick County
Circuit Court, 6th Judicial C ircuit, since 199S Board of
Trustees, Public Library System, Frederick C ountv, 1976
85 (pres , 1978 82) Inquiry Panal, Attorney Grievance
Commission, 1979 89 Board of Trustees, I redenck C om
munity College, 198S 95 (chaii, 1992 94) Born in Wash
ington, DC, June 21,1945 US Naval Academy BS.1967
Served in US Navy, active duty, 1967 71, U S NavalResei ve
(retired commander) Washington and Lie University School
ofLaw,JD, 1974 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1974, Vir
gimaBar, 1974 Member, Maryland State and Virginia State
Bar Associations, Frederick County Bar Association (secretary,
1994, 1995, chair, continuing education committee, 1987 90,
chair, constitution committee, 1992 94) Chaii, Maryland
350th Anniversary Committee, Fiedenck (. ounty, 1983 84
Director, Rotary Club of Fi edenck, 1986 94 (pies, 1991 92),
FrederickMemorialHospital,1987—(trtas 1989—), Bishop
Clagaett Center, Buckeystown, 1991 94 (net chaii, 1993
94) Member, Estate Planning C ouncil Indeiii.k ( ounty
Baltimore County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit,
since 1986 Trial Magistrate, Baltirnoi c Count\, 1968 71
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 28, 1943 McDonogh
School, 1961, University of Baltimofe A A, 196 ? lawclerk
to Judge John E Rome, Jr, Baltimore ( ountv Circuit
Court, 1963-66 University of Baltimore School of law, J D,
1966 Served in U S Army Special Foices Airborne (2nd
Lieutenant), 196768 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1969
Member, American, Maryland State and Baltimore County
Bar Associations Member, Maryland Cuminal Defense
Lawyers Association, Dissenter's Law (. tub Gamma Eta
Gamma Law Fraternity, St Andiews Society of Baltimoic
WILLIAM P. TURNER. Associate Judge, Montgomery
Count} Circuit Court, 6th Judicial ( ircuit, since 1993
Pubhc Defender's Office, 1971 72 Domestic Relations
Master, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1979 93 Born
in Washington, DC', March 19,1940 University of Maryland,
BA, 1962, University of Maryland School of law, LLB,
1965 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1966
STEPHEN M. WALDRON Associate Judge, Harford
County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, since 1988
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, November 4, 1951 Loyola
College, BA, 1973, member. Alpha Sigma Nu (National
Jesuit Honor Society), Scabba; d and Blade (National Milt
tary Honor Society), University of Maryland School of law,
JD, 1976 Law clerk to Judge Edward D Higinbothom,
Harford County Circuit Court, 1976 77 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1976 Member, Maryland State and Har-
ford County Bar Associations Ushers'Society St Margaiet
Church, 198188 St Margaret School Boaid, 198287
(pres, 1985 87) Board of Directors, ( olonial Acres Corn
mumty Association, 1982 87 Board of Directors, Bel Air
Amateur Sports Association, 1986 91 (pres, 1989) Corn