(founding director, 1960) President, Queen Anne's
County Jaycees, 1965-66 Trustee, The Gunston School,
1972-85 (pros, 1974 75, chaii, finance committee, 1979-
85) Chair, Centreville Heritage Commission, 1983 91
LOUISE G. SCRIVENER. Associate Judge,
Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit,
since 1995 Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland,
District 6, Montgomery County, 1992 95 Born in Balti-
more, Maryland, June 16, 1951 Notre Dame Preparatory
School, University of Pennsylvania, BA, 1972, Catholic Uni
versity School of Law, JD, 1975 Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1975 Member, Maryland State, Montgomery County and
Women's Bar Associations Member, National Association of
Women Judges, American Trial Lawyers Association Dorothy
Beatty Memorial Award Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation
J. FREDERICK SHARER. County Administrative
Judge, Allegany County Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Cir
cuit, since 1983 (Associate Judge, 1980—) Deputy
State's Attorney, Allegany County, 1965 66 City Solici-
tor, City of Cumberland, 1966 80 Board of Trustees,
Allegany Community College, 1970 80 (chair, 1970 77)
Member, State Board of Law Examiners, 1978 80 Chair,
Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference,
1988-89 Born in Cumberland, Maryland, April 12, 1938
Allegany County public schools, Washington and Jefferson
College, A B, 1960, University of Maryland School of Law,
LLB, 1963 Editorial board, Maryland Law Rev lew, 1962
63 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1963 Member, Maryland
State Bar Association, Allegany County Bar Association
({res, 1990) Former partner, Wtlson and Sharer Bar
Admissions Conference, 1981 Development Council, Wash
ington and Jefferson College, 1977-80 School Board, Bishop
Walsh High School, 1986 93 (chair, 1991-93) Lecturer,
Frostburg State University, and Allegany Community Col
lege President, Greater Cumberland Jaycees, 1966-67
E. ALLEN SHEPHERD. Associate Judge, Prince
George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since
1995 Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County,
1967 71 District Public Defender, District 5, Prince
George's County, 1985 91 Associate Judge, District
Court of Maryland, District 5, Prince George's County,
1991 95 Born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, March 26,
1937 Served in US NavalAir Reserve, 1954-62 Univer-
sity of Maryland, B S, I960, George Washington University
Law School, J D, 196 3 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1964
Member, Maryland State and Prince George's County Bar
Associations James R White Award for Outstanding and
Distinguished Service in Criminal Defense, Maryland
Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association, 1990
reft County Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Circuit, since 1996
RONALD A- SILKWORTH Associate Judge, Anne Arun
del County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since 1996
D. WILLIAM SIMPSON. County Administrative
Judge, Wicomico County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Cir
cuit, since 1990 (Associate Judge, 1986—) Master of
Juvenile Causes, Wicomico County Circuit Court, 1976
78 Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District
2, Wicomico County, 1978 86 Born in Camden, New
Jersey, August 27, 1937 Attended Pennsgrove, New Jersey,
public schools, University of Delaware, B A, 1959, Umver
sity of Maryland School of Law, J D, 1963 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1963 Member, American, Maryland State
and Wicomico County Bar Associations Member, Optimist
Club of Maryland, Elks Club
CAROL E. SMITH. Associate Judge, Baltimore City
Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1993 Associate
Judge, Baltimore City, District 1, District Court of Mary
land, 1985 93 Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 30,
1946 Mercy High School, College of Notre Dame of Mary-
land, B A, 1970, Catholic University School of Law, J D,
1975 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1975 Member, Mary
land State, Baltimore City and Women s Bai Associations
Member, Women's Law Center Boat d of Directors library
Company of the Baltimore Bar Legal Aid Bu»eau Inc ,
1975 80 (staff attorney, Domestic Law C cnte), chief attor-
ney, Mental Health Law Project, chief attormy, Mowing
Law Center)
JAMES T. SMITH, JR. Associate Judge Baltimore
County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial C ircuit, since 198S
Deputy Public Defender, District 8, Baltimore County,
1973 77 Member, Baltimore ( ounn Council, 1978 85
(chair, 1982, 1985) Chair, Baltimore County Charter
Review Commission, 1989 90 President, Maryland C ir
cuit Judges Association, 1993 95 C hair, Executnc Corn
mittee, Maryland Judicial Conteiencc, 1995—
(vice chair, 1994 95) Born in Baltimore, Man/and, Fob
ruaryS, 1942 Wheeling Jesuit College, B A, 1964, Umver
sity of Maryland School of Law, JD, 1968 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1968 Law practice. Smith, Johni & Smith,
PA, 1968-85 Vice Chair, Baltimore Counti Community
College 1 ask Force, 1976 Founder, organize), Rente; stown
Owings Mills-Glyndon (R 0 G ) C oordinating ( ouncil
Board of Governors, Hannah moo) c C enter School 1986—,
St Thomas Moore Society, 1989 Member, Knights of Co
lumbus Council no 5208, Glwdon Forme; mi.mbei, Reis-
terstown Revitalization Study Task Force, Employment
Steering Committee, National Association of C aunties,
Hathaway Improvement Association, Reisterstown Jaycees,
Reisterstown Area Recreation Council Outstanding
Young Man of Reisterstown, 1974 Chosen one of five
Outstanding Young Mary/anders by Maryland Jaycees,
1975 (JCI Senator, 1979) One of Eighty to Watch Balti
more Magazine, 1980 Distinguished Alumnus Award,
Wheeling Jesuit College, 1987 Member, J Dudley Diages
Inn of Court, 1988— (pies, 1992) Sacied Hi,a»t ( hurch
Parish Council, 1993 95
PAUL A. SMITH. Associate Judge, Baltimore C in Cir
cuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1990 Master in
Chancery, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 1971 83 Associate
Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore
City, 1983 90 Past member. Juvenile and Hmi], Lav,
Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, Major's lask
Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, Baltimore C ir, Born in
Baltimore, Maryland, January 14, 1936 Dunbar Si High
School Served in US Marine Corps Morgan State College,
B A, summa cum laude, 1963, Umveisih of Mainland School
of Law, JD, 1967, National College of Juvenile Justice,
University of Nevada, 1974 Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1967 Member, National and Monumental ( it) Ba> Associa
tions Assistant interim public defender, Legal Aid Bureau,
Inc, 1970 71 Member, National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People (life member), advisory hoard,
Reservoir Hill Community Association, Brookslane 900 Block
Neighborhood Association, Baltimore Alumni Sinate Delta
Theta Phi Law Fraternity, Masons, Elks Past member, Board
of Directors, Opportunities Industrialization (inter, Inc,
Baltimore Branch, Community Teaching Project, University
of Maryland School of Law, Neighborhood Family Planning
Center of Baltimore City, Inc, Bannekir Optimist C tub,
Catonsville Life member, Memo; ial Baptist Cum ch
THOMAS P. SMITH. Associate Judge, Punce George's
County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since 1994
Panal attomev. Public Defender's Office, Prince George's
County, 1971 76 Counn Attorney Prince George's
County, 1983 86 Director, Metropolitan Washington Air
ports Authority, 1986 89 Chair, Trial Courts Judicial
Nominating Commission, 7th Judicial C ircuit, 1987 88,
and Prince George's County, District 13, 1988 91 Born in
Hampton, Virginia, August 9, 1941 Tufts Unit (»sit> B A ,
1964, Washington College ofTaw, The American University,
JD, 1967 Admitted to Maryland Baf, 1968 Member,
American and Maryland State Bar Associations, Prince
George's County Bar Association (board of directors, 1978 82,