ALAN M. WILNER. Chief Judge, Court of Special
Appeals, At Large, since 1990 (Judge, 1977-90). Assistant
attorney general of Maryland, 1965-68. Chief Legislative
Officer; Office of the Governor, 1974-77. Member, Task
Force to Study Circuit Court Unification, 1975-77; Task
Force on the Board of Public Works, 1976-77; Task Force
on Crime, 1976-77; Commission to Study Domestic
Relations Laws, 1976-77; Commission on Funding the
Education of Handicapped Children, 1976-77. Chair,
Commission on the Evaluation and Coordination of Ag-
gressive Offender Treatment, 1976-78. Chair, Court of
Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and
Procedure, 1985—. Chair, Code Revision Committee,
1990—. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 26, 1937.
Baltimore City College; The Johns Ho f kins University, A.B.,
I958,M.L.A., 1966; University of Maryland School of Law,
J.D., 1962. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1962. Member,
Maryland State Bar Association; Order of the Coif (na-
tional law school honor society). Author, The Maryland
Board of Public Works: A History (1984).
DALE R. CATHELL. Judge, Court of Special Appeals,
1st Appellate Circuit, since 1989. Associate Judge,
Worcester County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit,
1981-89. Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland,
District 2, 1980-81. City Attorney for Ocean City, 1970-
76. Member, Worcester County Shoreline Commission,
1971; Ocean City Charter Revision Committee, 1973;
Utility Consumer Advisory Panel, 1978. Born in Berlin,
Maryland, July 30, 1937. Stephen Decatur High School.
Served in U.S. Air Force, 1955-59. University of Maryland,
1962-64; University of Baltimore School of Law, LL.B.,
1967. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1967. Member, Mary-
land State and Worcester County Bar Associations. Organ-
izer, Legal Intern Program. Instructor (courts & the
community), WOR - WIC Community College, 1973; Salis-
bury State University, 1978. Recipient of numerous service
to education awards.
ARRIE W. DAVIS. Judge, Court of Special Appeals, 6th
Appellate Circuit, since 1990. Associate Judge, Baltimore
City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, 1983-90. Associ-
ate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, 1981-
83. Bailiff to Supreme Bench of Baltimore, 1968-69.
Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1970-71. As-
sistant attorney general. Criminal Appeals Division, 1971 -
79; counsel to Division of Correction, 1979-81. Member,
Committee to Study Sentencing and Correctional Alter-
natives for Women Convicted of Crime, 1987-88. Mem-
ber, Legislative Subcommittee, Maryland Judicial
Conference, 1989—. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July
21, 1940. Frederick Douglass Senior High School; Morgan
State College, B.A., 1963; New York University, M.A.,
1966; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1969.
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1969. Member, Maryland
State, Baltimore City and Monumental City Bar Associa-
tions. Board of Directors, Academy of St. James Episcopal
JAMES R- EYLER. Judge, Court of Special Appeals, 2nd
Appellate Circuit, since 1996. Board of Visitors, Univer-
sity of Maryland School of Law. Born in Carrol! County,
Maryland, July 13, 1942. University of Maryland, B.A.,
magna cum laude, 1964; University of Maryland School of
Law, LL.B., 1967. Research editor, Maryland Law Review.
Order of the Coif (law school honorary society). Law clerk to
Judge William R. Homey, Court of Appeals. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1967. Partner, Miles & Stockbridge, 1973-
96 (chair, 1992-96). Member, American College of Trial
Lawyers. Board of Trustees, Baltimore Courthouse and Law
Museum Foundation. Board of Trustees, Severn School.
ROBERT P. FISCHER. Judge, Court of Special Ap-
peals, At Large, since 1988. Associate Judge, Howard
County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, 1977-88.
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 10,
1973-77. County Solicitor, Howard County, 1972-73.
Born in Baltimore County, Maryland, February 29, 1932.
Southern High School, Baltimore; University of Maryland,
B.A., 1954; University of Baltimore School of Law, LL.B.,
1961. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1961. Served in U.S. Air
Force and Maryland Air National Guard. Member, Mary-
land State and Howard County Bar Associations.
GLENN T. HARRELL, JR. Judge, Court of Special
Appeals, At Large, since 1991. Associate County Attor-
ney, Prince George's County, 1971-73. Hearing Exam-
iner, State Board of Education, 1977-84. Member,
Commission on Judicial Disabilities, 1995—. Born in
Ashland, Kentucky, June 27, 1945. University of Maryland,
B.A., 1967; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D.,
1970. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1970. Member, Mary-
land State Bar Association. Member, Prince George's
County Bar Association (law foundation). Member, Mary-
land Bar Foundation.
Special Appeals, 6th Appellate Circuit, 1994-95, At-
Large, since 1995. Assistant attorney general, Civil Divi-
sion, Office of Attorney General, 1979. Assistant U.S.
Attorney, District of Maryland, 1979 83. Member, U.S.
Magistrate Merit Selection Panel, District of Maryland;
Committee to Revise the Local Rules of the U.S. District
Court, District of Maryland, 1989. Associate Judge, Bal
timore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, 1989-94.
Born in New York, New York, May 24, 1949. Mt. Vernon
High School, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.; Goucher College, B.A.,
1971;Hofstra University Law School, 1971-72; Georgetown
University Law Center, J.D., 1974. Editor, The American
Criminal Law Review, 1973-74 (associate editor, 1972-73);
contributing author. Res Ipsa Loquitur: The Georgetown
Review of Law and Public Interest (1974). Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1974. Law clerk to Judge James R. Miller,
Jr., U.S. District Court, 1974-75. Member, Maryland State