ROBERT M. BELL Judge, Court of Appeals, 6th
Appellate Circuit, since 1991 Judge, Court of Special
Appeals, 6th Appellate Circuit, 1984 91 Associate Judge,
Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, 1980
84 Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Balti
more City, 1975 80 Born in Rocky Mount, North
Carolina, July 6, 1943 Dunbar High School, Baltimore
City, Morgan State College, A B, 1966, Harvard Univer
sity Law School, JD, 1969 Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1969 Member, National, American, Maryland State, Bal-
timore City ana Monumental City Bar Associations
HOWARD S. CHASANOW Judge, Court of Appeals,
4th Appellate Circuit, since 1990 Associate Judge, Prince
George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit,
1977 90 Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland,
District 5, Prince George's County, 1971-77 Member,
Article 27 Revision Committee, 1992— Former mem-
ber, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of
Practice and Procedure (former chair, criminal law sub-
committee) C hair. Criminal Law Committee of Mary
land Judicial Conference, 1976 79 Former chair,
Maryland Sentencing Guidelines Advisory Board Assis
rant and Deputy State's Attorney, Prince George's
County, 1963 69 Born in Washington, DC, April 3,1937
University of Maryland, BA, 1958, University of Mary
land School of Law, JD, 1961, Harvard University Law
School, LLM, 1962 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1961
Served in U S Air Force Member, Maryland State Bar
Association (former chair. Judicial administration section,
criminal law section) Former director. Prince George's
County Bar Association (former chair, professional ethics
committee, 197378) Lecturer, University of Maryland
School of Law, 1973—, faculty member, 'National Judicial
College, Reno, Nevada, 1980—, American Academy of
Judicial Education, Washington, DC
JOHN C. ELDRIDGE Judge, Court of Appeals, 5th
Appellate Circuit, since 1974 Assistant chief. Civil Divi
sion. Appellate Section, U S Department of Justice,
1967-69 Chief legislative officer. Office of the Governor,
1969 74 Born »n Baltimore, Maryland, November 13,
1933 Oilman School, Harvard College, BA, 1955, Har
vard University Law School, University of Maryland School
of Law, LLB, 1959 Admitted to Maryland Bar, I960
Member, Maryland State, Anne Arundel County and Dis-
trict of Columbia Bar Associations Member, Order of the
Coif (national law school honor society)
ROBERT L. KARWACKI Judge, Court ofAppeals, 1st
Appellate Circuit, since 1990 Judge, Court of Special
Appeals, At Large, 1984 90 Circuit Administrative
Judge, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit,
1978 84 (Associate Judge, 1973 78) Assistant attorney
general for Maryland, 1963-65 Member, Governor's
Commission to Revise the Testamentary Laws of Mary-
land, 1965 69 President, Board of School Commission-
ers, Baltimore City, 1970 71 Chair, Juvenile Justice
Commission, 1975 77 Member, Ad\isory Board, Ju\c
rule Services Administration, 1976 79, Commission to
Study the Judicial Branch of Government, 1981 82 Born
in Baltimore, Maryland, August 2, 1933 Mt St Joseph's
High School, University of Maryland, A B, 1954, Univer
sity of Maryland School of Law, LL B, 1956 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1956 Served in US a) my Reserve, 1955
61 Member, American and Maryland State Bai Associa
IRMA S. RAKER. Judge, Court ofAppeals, 3rd Appel
late Circuit, 1994 95, and 7th Appellate Circuit, since
1995 Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County,
1973 79 Member, Montgomery County Advisor) Corn
mission on Environmental Law, 1979, Montgomery
County Commission on Battered Spouses, Advisory
Commission on Child Abuse and Neglect Associate
Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6,
Montgomery County, 1980 82 Associate Judge,
Montgomery County C ircuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit,
1982 93 Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Con
ference, 1985 89 Born in Brooklyn, New York Midwood
High School, Syracuse University, B A, 1959, Hague Acad
emy of International Law, 1959, Washington (.allege of
Law, The American University, JD, 1972 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1973 Membci, American Bar Association
(state delegate, conference of state trial Judges, chair, cnmi
nal Justice standards committee, 1994), Maryland State
Bar Association (board of governors, chair, criminal law &
practice section, chair, committee to draft pattern Jury
instructions in criminal cases), Montgornei i County Bar
Association, Women's Bar Association of Maryland,
Women's Bar Association of District of Columbia, 'National
Association of Women Judges (pros, Maryland Chapter,
1994) Partner, Sachs, Greenebaum, and Tayler, 1979 80
Author, The New "No Knock" Provision and its Effect on
the Authority of the Police to Break and Enter, American
University Law Review (1970 71) Adjunct professor,
Washington College of Law, American University, 1980—
Recipient, American Judicature Book Award for Torts,
Criminal Procedure, Lura E Turley Award, Washington
College of Law Law Review, American University
peals, 6th Appellate Circuit, 1980 95, and 3rd Appellate
Circuit, since 1995 Chair, Board of Directors, Judicial
Institute of Maryland Member, Court of Appeals Stand
ing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1969
80 Assistant attorney general for Maryland, 1960 62
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, November 10, 1930 St
Bernard School, Loyola High School, Loyola C allege, A B,
1952, University of Maryland School of Law, LL B, 1956
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1956 Member, Maryland
State and Baltimore City Bar Associations Fellow, Amen
can College of Trial Lawyers, Order of the Coif (national
law school honor society) Adjunct faculty, University of
Maryland School of Law, 1957 68, 1987 91 Member, Law-
yers Round Table, Rule Day and Wranglers Law Clubs