histomcse M^rscnYexaMMisaosr
Chair: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Lt. Governor
Appointed by Governor: Kathryn W. Bames; Benjamin C.
Bradlee; Gary Carson, Ph.D.; F^dward O. Clarke, Jr.; Dennis
A. Fiori; J. Patrick Jarboe, M.D.; W. Aleck Loker, Susan
Messite; Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.; Jane Margaret
O'Brien, Ph.D.; J. Frank Raley, Jr.; John F. Slade m; Larry
E. Vote, Ph.D.; Nancy W. Warren; Charies C. Wilkes.
Contact: Karin B. Stanford
c/ o Historic St. Mary's City
P. O. Box 39
St. Mary's City, MD 20686 (301) 862-0962
Report to Governor due Oct. 15, 1996.
The Task Force on Affiliation between Historic
St. Mary's City Commission and St. Mary's College
of Maryland was formed by the Governor in May
1996. The Task Force will determine if an affiliation
is viable or appropriate and how it might be imple-
mented. If an affiliation is not feasible, the Task
Force is to consider other options for the govern-
ance and support of Historic St. Mary's City.
Chair: Jane T. Nishida, Secretary
of the Environment
Designated by Senate President: one vacancy
Designated by House Speaker: Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Ex officio: Frederick W. I^uddester, Secretary of Budget
& Management; Eugene R. Lynch, Secretary of General
Services; Martin P. Wassennan, M.D., J.D., Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene; Eugene A. Conn, Jr., Ph.D.,
Secretary of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation; Bishop L.
Robinson, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional
Services; David L. Wmstead, Secretary orTransportadon;
Donald N. Langenberg, Ph.D., Chancellor, University
of Maryland System.
Frank D. Whitehead, Executive Director
c/ o Air & Radiation Management Admin.
Dept. of the Environment
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 (410) 631-3200
Annual Report & consolidated budget for asbestos
management in State facilities to Governor &
General Assembly due Oct. 1.
The Asbestos Oversight Committee was estab-
lished by the Governor in November 1987 (Execu-
tive Order 01.01.1987.22). The Committee
coordinates asbestos management in State facilities.
The Committee reviews, evaluates, and promulgates
asbestos policy, procedures, and practices consistent with
the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), the
Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Law, and
regulations of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency and federal Occupational Safety and Health
Administration. The Committee also sets priorities for
project proposals to abate asbestos hazards and estab-
lishes guidelines and criteria for abatement contracts.
Walter E. Buck, Co-Chair
Robert L. Gel], Ph.D., Co-Chair
Appointed by Governor: William H. Amoss; John K.
Burkley II; Jeanette Hillyer; Emily Jensen; Ronald
M. Kreitner; Hans F. Mayer; David D. Rudolph;
John R. Sundergill; Alfred Wein.
Ex officio: Barbara A. Mikulski, U.S. Senator; Paul
S. Sarbanes, U.S. Senator; Wayne T. Gilchrest, U.S.
Representative, 1st Congressional District.
Contact: Hans F. Mayer
c/ o Maryland Economic Development Corp.
36 South Charles St., Suite 2410
Baltimore. MD 21201 (410)625-0051
Report to Governor due March 13, 1997.
The Bainbridge Re-Use Advisory Committee was
created by the Governor by letter of March 13, 1996.
The Committee's charge is to develop a comprehensive
plan for re-use of the former Bainbndge Naval Training